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Internationally successful Korean musicals 한국 뮤지컬의 해외성공 사례

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
16페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 3,000원 할인쿠폰받기


한국 뮤지컬들의 해외진출 성공 사례.
미국 브로드웨이나 영국 일본 등의 해외 진출이
성공적이었던 뮤지컬들을 소개, 분석.
Unique Korean musicals that were successful in the international market.
명성황후(The last Empress), 난타(Cookin`), 점프(Jump)의 성공요인 분석.


1. Introduction
2. Developmental stage of Korean musicals
3. Internatioanlly successful Korean musicals
4. Significant factors and elements of success
5. Changes after foreign advancements
6. Conclusion.


“The Korean Wave” (refers to the surge of popularity of South Korean culture around the world), recognized as the most preferred phrase, was used by the Korean mass media in last several years. Unfortunately, the usage of the phrase, “The Korean wave”, was limited to indicate the popularity of Korean entertainments, such as Korean movies and dramas. However, the popularity of the Korean performance seemed to be affected by “The Korean Wave” recently. The adaptation of Broadway musicals increased the number of Korean audiences while simultaneously improving both the recognition of unique Korean musical and the quality of performance. Thereafter, despite the short history of the Korean musical industry, Korean musicals have developed rapidly and profoundly, and made international success with the efforts of pursuing higher quality performances.
Developmental Stage of Korean Musicals
Korean musical originated in 1930 with popular traditional Korean music such as Chang-Geuk and Ahk-Geuk (types of traditional Korean operas, performed as a play but in the Korean folk song style). It was not until 1960, a century after the origination of modern musical, that foreign musical was introduced into Korean musical industry.

참고 자료

Gates, Anita, “Domestic Turmoil Threatens the Land of Morning Calm,” The New York Times, August 5, 1998, http://www.nytimes.com/1998/08/05/theater/theater-r eview-domestic-turmoil-threatens-the-land-of-morning-calm.html?sec=&spon=.

Han, Sallie, “‘The Last Empress` is a First Korean Musical About Queen Hopes to Reign in N.Y., Too,” New York Daily News, August 14, 1997, http://www.nydailynews .com/archives/entertainment/1997/08/14/1997-08-14__the_last_empress__is_a_ firs.html.

Hetrik, Adam, “Korean Martial Arts Sensation Jump Opens Off-Broadway Oct. 7,” Playbill News, October 07, 2007, http://www.playbill.com/news/article/111694. html.

IBK, Jump, http://www.yegam.com/jump/KOR/introduction/01_about.asp.

Jung, Jae-Hoon, “Extraordinary Family hit the 200th jump on the Off Broadway,” No Cut News, March 19, 2008, http://www.cbs.co.kr/Nocut/Show.asp?IDX= 778388.

Just Jared, “Brad & Angelina’s Off-Broadway Bonanza,” October 08, 2007, http://just jared.buzznet.com/tags/pax-jolie-pitt/page/5/.

Kim, Hyuk-Soo, “Korean performance arts of 2005,” Arts Council Korea, http://artsonl ine.arko.or.kr/yearbook/2006/play/5-02.html.

Kim, Ki-Chul, I Love Musical: Musical Travel to Broadway and West End. Seoul: Hyo- hyung, 2002.

Korea Tourism Organization, Official Site of Korea Tourism Org.:Jump, http://engli sh.visitkorea.or.kr/enu/FU/FU_EN_15.jsp?cid =557351.

Korea Tourism Organization, Official Site of Korea Tourism Org.:Musical ‘The Last Empress’, http://english.visitkorea.or.kr/enu/SI/ SI_EN_3_2_1.jsp?cid=292960.

Korea Tourism Organization, Official Site of Korea Tourism Org.:Nanta (Cookin’), http://asiaenglish.visitkorea.or.kr/ena/SI/SI_EN _3_2_1.jsp?cid=313592.

Lee, Bo-Yeon, Musical Forever. Seoul: Ruby Box, 2007

PMC Production, Non Verbal Performance Nanta, http://nanta.i-pmc.co.kr/en/nanta /intro_pnote.asp.

Pyo, Jeong-hun, “One Source Multi-Use”, LIST Magazine, Spring 2009, http://www.list. or.kr/ar ticles/article_view.htm?Div1=1&Idx=117.

Rose Theatre-Kingston, Nanta (Cookin’), http://www.rosetheatrekingston.org/ whats-on/n anta.

Shin, Dae-Jang, “Non-verbal Musical ‘Jump’, makes audience keep laughing,” IOTV,Oct ober 08, 2007, http://iotv.net/zboard/view.php?id=m_01_01&no=26.

The Best of Off Broadway, Jump, Off Broadway Theater, Plays, Musicals, Ticket Discou nts, New York Shows, http://www.bestofoffbroadway.com/shows/jump.html

TravelLady Magazine, “Cookin’,” http://www.travellady.com/Issues/January05/1191 Cookin.htm
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Internationally successful Korean musicals 한국 뮤지컬의 해외성공 사례 무료자료보기
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