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Home Studio based on modern compositional techniques

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
15페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 2,000원 할인쿠폰받기


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영문으로 작성되어있습니다. <3000자-15pages>


Table of Contents

I) Introduction & Background

II) Construction of Home Studio
1. Characteristics
2. Advantage
3. Disadvantage

III) Modern Compositional Techniques
The Types of Modern compositional Techniques

IV) Methodology

V) Application of techniques through producing film music

VI) Conclusion

VII) Time Plan

VIII) Bibliography


The aim of my major composition project is the exploration of modern compositional techniques based on a MIDI home recording studio. In the past, all of each part of music production was clearly divided according to their role such as a composer, a lyricist, an arranger, a performer and a recording engineer.

However, today just one person can carry out all of these performances. In addition, they no longer require hiring a music studio and pay a lot of money. Many of the music producers can do their work at home with excellent assistance from personal computer devices and software programmes.

As a result, abilities to construct ‘Home Studio’ and skills to use music software programmes became compulsory, not optional.

What I am trying to contribute to Music Education Research through this essay is to propose one route for film music production to head for in future and it will be based on my research and understanding on modern technique of music composition using computers.

참고 자료

VIII) Bibliography

1. Electronic and Computer Music, Peter Manning, 2004, Oxford university press
2. Basic MIDI, Paul White, 1999
3. PC Music the easy guide, Robin Vincent, 2002
4. Basic VST Instruments, Paul White, 2001
5. Practical Recording Techniques, Bruce and Jenny Bartlett, 2005

1. Cakewalk (2008) System requirements [Online image]. Available at:
http://cakewalk.com/products/reac/system.asp (Accessed: 02 December 2008)
판매자 유형Bronze개인


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Home Studio based on modern compositional techniques
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