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Searching for Historical Trauma Recovery Model: Applied to Jeju 4.3 Historical Trauma

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8페이지/파일확장자 어도비 PDF
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* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 세계섬학회 수록지정보 : World Environment and Island Studies / 7권 / 1호
저자명 : AeDuck Im


Research Method
Anxiety Passed Through Generation: HistoricalTrauma of Jeju 4.3
As a historical trauma, Jeju 4.3: the Perspectiveof &quat;Two faces of Jeju 4.3&quat; Versus &quat;Jeju people’sdesire to be independent from any ideology”
Jeju 4.3 Historical Trauma Recovery Model

영어 초록

In this study, the anxiety about Jeju 4.3 was perceived to be passed down from generation to generation, and it was approached from the perspective of a historical trauma. From the interviews with my father from 2008 to 2014, and the anxiety expressed concerning 4.3, which was discovered during the in-depth interviews with the grandparents and succeeding generations who attended the social work practice class at Jeju National University in 2013 and 2015, was recognized as a universal phenomenon. In 2016, a social healing program was conducted through 3 generations communication between elderly people living in Chongsu, Hankyong-myeon, Jeju-si, Jeju-do, and students and parents who volunteered for the Social Welfare Foundation Chongsu. In the intergenerational communication program, it was found that not only the 4.3 experienced generation but also the 2nd generation who were forced to be silence about it were anxious about the expression of 4.3. and it was the 2nd generation being identified with an overall lack of awareness of 4.3 and the refusal of discussing it. The third generation felt as if Jeju 4.3 had been a historical event a long time ago or they learned about it from their grandparents. In this way, Jeju 4.3 observes that generations of trauma have been transferred from generation to generation. In order to confirm the cause of this traumatic event, the national daily newspapers Donga Ilbo(1962-1999), Kyung Hyang Newspaper (1947-1999), Maeil Business Newspaper (1966-1999),Hankyoreh Newspaper (1989-1999) were analyzed by the key word Jeju 4.3 in the Naver news library[1]. And it was analyzed how the national press had reported about 4.3 from 1947 to 1999. In particular, the titles and contents of the news reports were analyzed through the spectrum of "safety" according to the first condition of Herman's trauma healing, and Bronfenbrenner's PPCT system theory. In the Naver news library, daily newspaper including the Dong-A Ilbo, the Kyunghyang Shinmun, and the Maeil Business Newspaper had reported Jeju 4.3 as a Communist Party riot until 1987. However, other aspects of Jeju 4.3 began to be reflected since 1988. But The Hankyoreh newspaper had reported it as the Jeju 4.3 uprising since 1989. The newspaper reports did not take into consideration the anxiety and fear that Jeju residents had experienced since 1948, but rather revealed limitations of reporting from the ideological point of views of the left and right. This study analyzed the sense of safety which residents could feel about Jeju 4.3 from the perspective of the 2nd silenced generation of residents unrelated to the ideology of right and left.As a result of the analysis, the sense of safety or security secured by the whole system among the macro, the exo, the mezzo, and the micro systems, Bronfenbrenner suggested becomes the starting line of recovering the historical trauma concerning Jeju 4.3. If this sense of safety or security is not secured, individual memory and mourning will have limitations in the healing of trauma. Therefore, the historical trauma of Jeju 4.3, which has been handed down through generations in the silence of 70 years, should be solved by the central government policy in terms of the macro, exo, mezzo, and micro systems.

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Searching for Historical Trauma Recovery Model: Applied to Jeju 4.3 Historical Trauma
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