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스리랑카 불탑 형식에 대한 고찰

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
10페이지/파일확장자 어도비 PDF
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* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국건축역사학회 수록지정보 : 건축역사연구 / 24권 / 6호
저자명 : 허지혜, 천득염


1. 서 론
2. 스리랑카 불탑의 구성요소
2.1. Foundation (기단)
2.2. Basal Rings(장식기단 혹은 장식 띠)
2.3. Frontispiece(제단)
2.4. Dome(복발)
2.5. Square Chamber(평두)
2.6. Cylinder(산간)
2.7. Spire(산개)
2.8. Jewel(보주)
2.9. 불탑 주변의 구성요소 : 석주(stone pillar)
3. 스리랑카 탑의 형식
3.1. 인도 불탑의 영향
3.2. 스리랑카 불탑의 형식 분류
4. 결론 : 스리랑카 불탑 형식에 대한 고찰

영어 초록

As Sri Lanka Stupa had been affected by Indian stupa directly, understanding Sri Lanka Stupa is important to know about the flow of Buddhist Art History, which is showing the variation of Initial Buddhist stupa. Due to invasions and disasters, all Sri Lanka’s Stupa collapsed and became random mound. After restoration works, Stupa shape changed dramatically from the Initial shape to Existing shape. Since it is hard to find out how Initial stupas were like, Sanchi Stupa needed to be an example for the comparative study as an Initial shape.
Sri Lanka Stupa have Square foundation and 3 Basal rings that are supporting the Main Dome. Entrances are on all 4 sides, Railing and Torana(gate) has never found in Sri Lanka stupa. Sri Lanka stupa has been classified with the shape of Dome into 6~8 types according to 『Vijayanta Potha』, the Ancient Buddhist Description, and described by several researchers confusingly. With the inconvenience of using unfamiliar words and irrational gap between the Initial Sri Lanka stupa and Existing Sri Lanka stupa, proposing new classification of Sri Lanka Stupa is necessary. Existing Sri Lanka Stupa can be classified into 4 types : which is ➀Bell type, ➁Pot type, ➂Mound type, ➃Bubble type. This suggestion is for further studies to use Easier and shorter words to describe the types and make it reasonable to use, since the current classification includes 3 stupa types even there is no case for any of them. Restrict Stupa Classifications within existing Sri Lanka Stupa is needed because the current classification had been continued for hundreds of years without any adjustments. Bell type is mainly located in Anuradhapura. Pot type and Mound type is only found in limited area, and Bubble type is located in most area of Sri Lanka.

참고 자료



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