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1960년대 광화문 중건과 광화문 앞길의 변화

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
12페이지/파일확장자 어도비 PDF
가격 4,300원 할인쿠폰받기

* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국건축역사학회 수록지정보 : 건축역사연구 / 24권 / 4호
저자명 : 강난형, 송인호


1. 시작글
1-1.연구의 배경과 대상
1-2.연구의 목적과 방법
2. 1960년대 초 구 광화문과 그 앞길의 성격
2-1. 선행연구를 통해 본 1960년대 이전 광화문 앞길의 성격
2-2.구 광화문 유구활용: 군사혁명1주년 산업박람회
2-3. 파괴된 중앙청과 광화문 앞길
3. 광화문 중건과 광화문 앞길의 변화
3-1. 근대유산으로 중앙청15)의 복구
3-2. 광화문 앞길을 ‘중앙청로’로
4. 맺음글

영어 초록

Gwanghwamun was dismantled and displaced to the east side of the palace, at that time, the Chosun Government General Building was constructed in the Gyeongbokgung palace. After the Korea war, it remained as a stonework as a result of the fire. In 1968, The Gwanghwamun came back in front of the palace. Then, why it was rebuilt in the 3rd Republic period? What was the reason for selecting concrete? Since the May 16 coup, the military regime had been utilized palace and surrounding urban space to show a visible practice of modernization. Attempting the combination of modern technology in the 1960s and traditional cultural property and reconstructing a city as a pretext called Cultural Heritage conservation was a typical mechanism of the 1960s. In this study, I start by assume that reconstructing Gwanghwamun(1968) was a part of project to change the surrounding urban space of Gwanghwamun than to preserve cultural assets. Two main contributions of the study are following. First, I collect availabe data on the reconstructing surrounding urban space of the Gwanghwamun and re-organize them in chronological order to make them as fragments of a map. Second, I analysis and identify the nature and phase of the Gwanghwamun reconstruction.

참고 자료



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1960년대 광화문 중건과 광화문 앞길의 변화
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