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慶南 南海地域 白堊系 層序와 堆積巖 (慶尙盆地 發達史 硏究 Ⅰ)

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최종 저작일
11페이지/파일확장자 어도비 PDF
가격 4,200원 할인쿠폰받기

* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국지구과학회 수록지정보 : 한국지구과학회지 / 10권 / 1호
저자명 : 이영길, 장기홍, 김상욱, 서승조

영어 초록

The study area is the southwestern peripheral part of the KyoˇSngsang Basin. The maximum thickness of the Nakdong Formation is only 200m thick in this area and gradually thins toward the west. The Sindong Group is relatively coarse-grained here. The Chilgok Formation and the Silla Conglomerate Formation occur in the Changsoˇn Island, but they apparently entail toward the northwest and are no more so divisible in the northern vicinity of Namhae, where they are collectively called here $quot;Namhae Formation.$quot; The angular unconformity between the Yuchsoˇn Group and the low-lying formations is obvious in this area. The Changsoˇn Formation, the basal unit of the Yuchoˇn Group in this area, is composed mainly of andesitic rocks but contains in its upper part the Jijok Member composed of reddish tuffaceous sedimentary layers. Overlying the Changsbn Formation is a unique sedimentary facies of the Yuchoˇn Group. It is here called the Danghangri Formation, of more than 400m thick and composed mainly of pebbly and conglomeratic sandstones. The composition of the pebbles of the Danghangri Formation, i.e., gneiss, quartzite, andesite etc. connotes the dual provenances of the basement rocks and the penecontemporaneous volcanic rocks. The sandstones of the Sindong Group(38 samples) are mainly arkose or arkosic arenite and subordinately subgraywacke and subarkose. A sequential variation of composition is apparent from the Nakdong Formation dominated by subgraywacke to the Jinju Formation dominated by arkose.

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탑툰 이벤트
慶南 南海地域 白堊系 層序와 堆積巖 (慶尙盆地 發達史 硏究 Ⅰ)
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