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现代汉语中的有标记感叹句考察 ― 以副词、代词为标记的感叹句中心

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
17페이지/파일확장자 어도비 PDF
가격 5,100원 할인쿠폰받기

* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 대한중국학회 수록지정보 : 中國學 / 59권
저자명 : 金正勋, 金炫兑


1. 引言
2. 副词作为标记的感叹句
1) 多+AP/VP
2) 好(一)+量+NP
3) 太+AP/VP
4) 真(是)+AP/VP/NP
5) 可+AP/VP
3. 代词作为标记的感叹句
4. 结语

영어 초록

Chinese often use some pronouns as Exclamatives tone markers, such as "zhe" "Na" "zheme" "name" "Shenme", and they can be noun phrases, adjective and verb phrases constitute a minority of some commonly used exclamation structure, these exclamation structure have different features. The author intends to syntactic structure, semantic features and pragmatic aspects of a preliminary study on them.
The adverb marked exclamatory sentence features: first, if the adverb in the exclamatory sentences, then the sentence is generally exclamation exclamatory center adjectives, state adjectives cannot be used in exclamatory sentence; second, adverb as a marker of exclamatory sentence semantics is expressed according to the speaker's subjective standard, objectivity weak. This kind of Exclamatives objective level is relatively low, the subjective color is very obvious, this type of exclamatory sentence is judged from the speaker's subjective standard, objective understanding and others are not consistent. The characteristics of exclamatory sentences marked by pronouns are as follows: first, when the "Ni" "zhe" and the noun predicate constitute an exclamatory sentence, the way of expressing feelings is negative. General ellipsis. "Ni" "zhe" after the addition of nominal predicate exclamatory sentences can only use the second person pronouns. But behind the plus noun predicate, second person or third person can use; second, "Shenme" "hedeng" "zenme" "Zenyang" "duoshao" interrogative pronouns in exclamatory sentences are used to represent the exclamatory mood, then you no longer have the pronoun itself with the interrogative mood.

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现代汉语中的有标记感叹句考察 ― 以副词、代词为标记的感叹句中心
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