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Kuwait’s Anti-Corruption Body (Nazaha): Some Aspects from the Perspective of International Law

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30페이지/파일확장자 어도비 PDF
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발행기관 : 이준국제법연구원 수록지정보 : Journal of East Asia and International Law / 13권 / 2호
저자명 : Thaqal S. Al-Ajmi, Ali S. Alnami


I. Introduction
II. Ratione Materiae
A. Offenses against Public Funds
B. Offenses of Bribery and Abuse of Power:
C. Offenses of Money Laundering and the Financing of Terrorism
D. Offenses of Counterfeiting and Forgery
E. Offenses Relating to the Administration of Justice
F. Offenses of Illicit Gain
G. Offenses of Evasion of Customs Duties
H. Offenses of Tax Evasion
I. Offenses against Nazaha
J. Offenses of Unlawful Acts of Competition
K. Offenses regarding the Disclosure of Commissions
L. Other Forthcoming Offenses
III. Ratione Personae
IV. Authority to Seize and Investigate
A. Territorial Jurisdiction
B. Personal Jurisdiction
C. Protective Jurisdiction
D. Aut Dedere Aut Judicare Jurisdiction
V. Conclusion

영어 초록

This paper focuses on critical anti-corruption measures taken by the State of Kuwait and the international community, specifically as they relate to the implementation of the United Nations Convention against Corruption (UNCAC). Specific provisions of Nazaha Law, particularly those related to crimes and persons under its jurisdiction, are compared to the UNCAC, shedding light on the inherent advantages and disadvantages of the Law and whether the law constitutes a sufficient domestic anticorruption measure. By focusing on specific statutes and related jurisdictional matters, significant discrepancies between Nazaha Law and the UNCAC are noted. Kuwaiti legislators should immediately consider these discrepancies to ensure a more effective domestic policy in the global campaign against corruption. This paper comprises five parts including the Introduction and Conclusion. Part two will detail the various types of corruption covered by the Nazaha Law. Part three will focus on the persons covered under Nazaha jurisdiction. Part four will expound the issues of legal jurisdiction.

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Kuwait’s Anti-Corruption Body (Nazaha): Some Aspects from the Perspective of International Law
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