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Graphene Synthesis suitable for Liquid Electron Microscopy by Chemical Vapor Deposition Method

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최종 저작일
27페이지/한글파일 한컴오피스
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서울대학교 화학생물공학부 영문 졸업논문
그래핀 액상 셀을 바탕으로 한 액체 투과전자현미경 소개 및, 그래핀 합성법 고찰


I. Introduction

II. Liquid Electron Microscopy and Graphene Liquid Cell
2-1. Strategies for electron microscopy of samples in liquids
2-1-1. Open Environmental Chamber
2-1-2. Liquid Cell
2-2. Graphene Liquid Cell
2-2-1. Properties and Advantages of Graphene Liquid Cell
2-2-2. Preparation of Graphene Liquid Cell

III. Overview of Graphene Synthesis
3-1. Exfoliation and Cleavage
3-1-1. Liquid Phase exfoliation
3-2. Chemical Methods
3-3. Thermal Decomposition Method
3-3-1. Thermal Decomposition of Silicon Carbide
3-3-2. Thermal Decomposition on Other Substrates
3-4. Unzipping Carbon Nanotubes
3-5. Chemical Vapor Deposition Method
3-5-1. Processing Steps
3-5-2. Growth Kinetics
3-5-3. Reaction Mechanisms
3-5-4. CVD and Graphene Liquid Cell

IV. Synthesis of Graphene via CVD
4-1. Experiment
4-2. Result and Discussion

V. Conclusion

VI. Reference

VII. Appendix



In this work, we reviewed the liquid cell electron microscopy focused on graphene liquid cell. Also, we compared graphene synthesis methods and concluded that chemical vapor deposition(CVD) method is suitable for graphene liquid cell. The properties suitable for liquid cell are the thickness and crystallinity of graphene, which are dependent on nucleation and growth process during the synthesis. We synthesized graphene films using CVD method and controlled gas flow, synthesis temperature, and copper foil preparation. We used Raman spectroscopy to check defects, thickness and crystallinity.

<중 략>


본 논문에서는 그래핀 액상 셀에 초점을 두어 액체 투과전자현미경을 소개하고, 그래핀 액상 셀 합성에 적합한 그래핀의 성질에 대해 논의하였다. 그래핀 액상 셀에 적합한 성질에는 그래핀의 두께와 결정성이 있으며, 이러한 성질은 그래핀의 핵생성 및 성장 과정에 의존한다. 이를 토대로 다양한 그래핀 합성법을 비교하였으며, 우리는 이 중에서 구리 박막을 촉매로 하는 화학기상증착법(CVD)이 그래핀 액상 셀 제조에 가장 적합하다고 판단하였다. 본 논문에서는 다양한 조건에서 화학기상증착법으로 2차원 그래핀 박막을 합성하였다.

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Graphene Synthesis suitable for Liquid Electron Microscopy by Chemical Vapor Deposition Method
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