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바울과 베드로의 선교전략 paul and peter

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33페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
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영국에서 선교학 석사 공부를 할 당시에 소논문으로 제출한 개인 자료입니다. 오픈 된 적이 없는 자료입니다. 영어로 작성되었으며, 논문의 형식은 완벽에 가깝습니다.


0. Introduction

1. Audience
(1) Cornelius
2) Athenians

2. Location
2) Athens

3. God and the Unknown god

4. Messengers
1) Peter
2) Paul
i) Making a bridge between them
ii) Theocentric
iii) Quotation from a secular literature

5. Conclusion



It is a truism that today we live in a world of religious pluralism as it was also in the era of early Christians. To be explicit there are 84% people who have a form of religion in the world. Christianity represents 33% (including Catholic, Orthodox, etc), other religions constitute 51% and 16% represent the population who have no religion. The diagram below illustrates this point.

Indeed there are a number of religious communities that one may find in the mission fields. As depicted by the diagram above we have the Muslim community, Hindu community, shamanic community and so on. The question is how should one approach all such people with diverse faith? What kind of approach or attitude should one adopt to reach such people with the gospel?
The world into which the first Christians carried out the gospel was a religiously plural world and-as the letters of Paul show-in that world of many lords and many gods, Christians had to work out and convincingly explain what it meant that Jesus alone is Lord.

참고 자료

Bruce, F. F. The Book of Acts (Michigan: Eerdmans, 1989)
Bruce, F. F. Paul Apostle of the Free Spirit, Revised edition (Devon: Paternoster,1980)
Davis, J. R. Poles Apart? (Thailand: OMF, 1993)
Grys, A.L. Preaching to the Nations (London: Redwood, 1998)
Matson, D.L. Household Conversion Narratives in Acts (Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press1996)
Newbigin, L. The Gospel in a Pluralist Society (Grand Rapids: SPCK, 1989)
Richardson, D. Eternity in their Hearts, 3rd edition (Regal books, California, 2005)
Stott, J. R.W. The Message of Acts (Leicester: Inter Varsity Press, 1990)
Douglas, J. D. (editor), The Illustrated Bible Dictionary Part I, third edition (Leicester: IVP, 1988)
Bromiley, G. W. (editor), Theological Dictionary of The New Testament, (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1985)
Kittel, G. Theological Dictionary of the New Testament (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1995)
Flemming, D. ‘Contextualizing the Gospel in Athens: Paul’s Areopagus Address as a Paradigm for Missionary Communication’ in Missiology: An International Review, Vol. XXX, No. 2, April 2002
Marshall, H. ‘Inter-faith Dialogue in the new testament’ in Evangelical Review of Theology, Vol. XIII, No. 3, July 1989
Kim, Y. H. The Christianity and Other Religions, Religious Dialogue (Soongsil University, 1999)
New International Version(Grand Rapids: New York International Bible Society, 1978)
판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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