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CO2 용접기 더블 와이어 릴을 겸비한 원격제어토치 성능에 관한 실험적 평가

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
8페이지/파일확장자 어도비 PDF
가격 4,000원 할인쿠폰받기

* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국기계기술학회 수록지정보 : 한국기계기술학회지 / 16권 / 5호
저자명 : 김정혁, 오석형


1. 서 론
2. 실험 장치 및 조건
2.1 실험재료 및 시험편
2.2 실험방법
2.3 용접 부의 육안검사
2.4 굽힘 시험
2.5 방사선투과검사 조건 및 촬영
3. 실험결과 및 고찰
3.1 기존상용토치와 원격제어토치의 비교
3.2 용접부의 굽힘 시험 관찰
3.3 방사선투과검사 관찰
4. 결론

영어 초록

The study discusses remote control torch system that is equipped with CO2 double wire reel. The welding machine is 30m away from the wire feeder at the industrial site and the feeder is three to five meters away from the torch. Accordingly, the welders cannot control the current and voltage that meets the welding condition during work when they are working at a place that prevents them from seeing the control panel such as inside a vehicle or tank or at a far work site. They also have no choice but to stop working to change the wire reel when it is completely burned out. Such work suspension resulting from frequent moves to adjust current and voltage as well as replace the wire and subsequent cooling causes welding defects. The study produced a remote control torch equipped with double wire reel by simplifying and streamlining the existing CO2 functions to reduce the troubling issue. The remote control torch equipped with double wire reel and the existing CO2 /MAG welding torch were applied as V-groove butt in the vertical position using 9mm rolled steel for SM50A welding structure. After completion of welding, the condition of welded surface beads went through visual inspection as well as radiographic inspection to analyze the welding quality inside the welded part. The study also evaluated reduction of welding defects, cost saving, the replacing performance against the existing commercial welders and the effect on possible compatibility

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CO2 용접기 더블 와이어 릴을 겸비한 원격제어토치 성능에 관한 실험적 평가
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