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로버트 맨골드 (Robert Mangold) <링Ring> (2014)시리즈에 대하여: 1970년대 구성 요소의 발전

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20페이지/파일확장자 어도비 PDF
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* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 미술사문화비평학회 수록지정보 : 미술사문화비평 / 5권
저자명 : 이주리


Ⅰ. 머리말
Ⅱ. 로버트 맨골드 작품의 특징
1. 캔버스 조각을 모은 화면
2. 1970년대 작품
Ⅲ.〈링 Ring〉시리즈에 대하여
1. 평면으로 유도하는 시각 작용
2. 발전한 삼각형 조합
Ⅳ. 맺음말

영어 초록

This is about Robert Mangold’s exhibition which was staged at Pace Wildenstein Gallery in New York in 2014.
Mangold puts on an exhibition a lot but it’s been 3 years since his last exhibition of painting. Robert Mangold is an American Minimalism artist. While other Minimalism artist changes their work style as time goes by he’s been doing Minimalism work now. It took my attention to study his work.
At first glance, it could seem to be an expansion of what he’s been doing in the past. However, he found a new figure from his work inside. In particular he newly chose a triangle found in his own 1970’s. If it’s said that a triangle worked in 1970’s has primary symbol and meaning, new triangle made in 2014 is a new figure combined each other and the meaning is expanded as well.
A triangle has a direction in its figure. Because of its image of direction it gives an impression of open to upward. In contrast, the triangle in 2014 is a combination of all and it becomes perfectly closed space. This means an endless and it’s an utopia which everyone dreams of getting together.
Delicate visual vibration in the picture he intended to show is mutual response with viewer. Viewer observe that triangle becomes quadrangle and polygon. Through this it makes viewer imagine various form cut and combined. Therefore, even though it’s a plane work it he leads viewer’s aggressive participation as the third dimension sculpture. These are gestalt effect. In this regard, what he really wants seems to be mutual response between viewer and artist.
It’s an outstanding point when Mangold produces new work he utilize former work again. He did not only serial repeat but also repeat among works and I think it can be applied with contemporary conception. I hope his work can be observed with new views rather than standstill evaluation with existing critic views.

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로버트 맨골드 (Robert Mangold) <링Ring> (2014)시리즈에 대하여: 1970년대 구성 요소의 발전
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