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길거리 음식에 대한 중·고·대학생의 섭취 및 위생상태 인식과 미생물 분석

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11페이지/파일확장자 어도비 PDF
가격 4,200원 할인쿠폰받기

* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국식생활문화학회 수록지정보 : 韓國食生活文化學會誌 / 22권 / 3호
저자명 : 김미정, 오세영, 윤기선

영어 초록

We investigated the intake trends of street foods for middle school, high school and colleges students through the survey study. In addition, the factors affecting the students' consumption of street foods and their perception toward hygiene status of street vendor were studied. The levels of total aerobic bacteria, coliform groups and enterobacteriaceae in Kimbab, eomuk, and eomuk-kukmul were counted using 3M petrifilms. More than ninety seven % of the respondents had experienced street foods. All the respondents ate street foods 1 to 5 times a month. Forty percent of the respondent stated that 'good taste' and 'time-saving convenience' were their reason for eating the street foods. Their favorite foods were ddokbokgi and various fried foods. All the students responded that frying oil, drinking water, and soy sauce as well as the street vendors' attire and their cooking tools in street vendor were unsanitary. Forty percent of the respondents ranked frying oil as the most unsanitary substance. Eighty percent of the respondents responded that an enforcement of hygiene should be imposed on the street foods vendor. There were significant differences (p〈0.001) among the student's age in the opinion related to the reasons of eating street foods, hygiene enforcement, existence of street foods and interest of hygiene status of street foods. High correlation (p〈0.05) between the frequency of street foods and snack intakes was shown, regardless of student's age. The result shows that those who eat snacks more than once a day tend to eat street foods more frequently. Aerobic plate counts in Kimbab in 5 different vendors exceeded 105/g and contamination levels of enterobacteriaceae or coliform in Kimbab exceeded more than 103/g, which did not satisfy the microbiological standards. In conclusion, although the respondents thought that the sanitation of street foods was poor, most of them want the street food vendor to be maintained with better hygiene condition. This indicated that the regulation for safe street foods should be enforced and educational information about the preparation and serving for safe street foods should be provided to street food vendor.

참고 자료



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