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컨조인트 분석을 이용한 학교아침급식 운영 속성 및 수준의 중요도 분석

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최종 저작일
12페이지/파일확장자 어도비 PDF
가격 4,300원 할인쿠폰받기

* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국식생활문화학회 수록지정보 : 韓國食生活文化學會誌 / 22권 / 5호
저자명 : 이필순, 이민아, 양일선, 차성미

영어 초록

The purposes of this study were as follows. First is to compare the importance of operational factors to determine types of school breakfast program, and second is to do the preference analysis of operation-related people depending on the attributes and levels of the operation of school breakfast program. The questionnaires developed for this study were distributed to 134 school dietitians, 114 school foodservice officials at the educational board, 68 staff members of foodservice contractors and 493 parents. Statistical data analyses were performed using SPSS/WIN 12.0 for descriptive statistics and conjoint analysis. The conjoint design was applied to evaluate the hypothetical foodservice types. According to the analysis on the attributes and levels of the school breakfast operation, the relative importance of each attribute was as followsprice (36.30%), menu (29.60%), foodservice staff (22.54%), serving type (11.55%) to school dietitians, price (34.99%), menu (28.15%), foodservice staff (23.52%), serving type (13.35%) to school foodservice officials at the educational board, menu (30.55%), price (30.24%), foodservice staff (28.75%), serving type (10.47%) to staff members of foodservice contractors and price (36.34%), menu (29.73%), foodservice staff (21.01%), serving type (12.92%) to parents. The results of the conjoint analysis indicated that the school dietitians and school foodservice officials at the educational board preferred the school breakfast operation program with 3 traditional menus and 2 convenience menus per 5 day, 1~3 foodservice staff, with a price range of 1501~2000won, and tray serving. Staff members of foodservice contractors preferred the school breakfast operation program with 3 traditional menus and 2 convenience menus per 5 day, 1~3 foodservice staff, with a price range of 2501~3000won, and tray serving. Parents preferred the school breakfast operation with 5 traditional menus per 5 day, 6~7 foodservice staff, with a price range of 2501~3000won, and tray serving. About a half of school dietitians considered that elementary schools were appropriate for the suggested school breakfast operation program. But, 68.2% of school foodservice officials at the educational board, 69.1% of staff members of foodservice contractors, and 38.1% of parents considered high schools to be the suitable model. Therefore, it indicated the need to recognize the different opinions among breakfast operation-related people and take these factors into consideration in developing the school breakfast program.

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컨조인트 분석을 이용한 학교아침급식 운영 속성 및 수준의 중요도 분석
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