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올랑(Saint Orlan, 1947- )의 <성 올랑의 환생>에 나타난 몸의 미학

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최종 저작일
22페이지/파일확장자 어도비 PDF
가격 5,800원 할인쿠폰받기

* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 미술사문화비평학회 수록지정보 : 미술사문화비평 / 3권
저자명 : 고현서


Ⅰ. 들어가는 글
Ⅱ. 서양 미술의 차용과 해체 : 몸의 미학
1. 고전 도상 차용의 저항적 의미
2. 레디메이드에서 야기된 댄디즘의 패러디
Ⅲ. 카널 아트(carnal art)와 새로 재현된 몸의 정체성
1. 고통에서 해방된 몸
2. 탈나르시시즘: 대안적 자아
Ⅳ. 나오는 글

영어 초록

French-born Saint Orland (1947 –) showed the performance of getting cosmetic surgery on her face broadcast live via satelliteto the audience in various regions including Pompidou Center in Paris, and also the scene of herself bleeding on the operating table as a picture. Not only art books but also People’s Magazine deal with such operating scenes importantly but the general public showed the suspicion of how the works of art could come to such a state. Actually, the meaning of Orland’s surgery performance was overshadowed by the medical operation named cosmetic surgery compared with the popular awareness. Orland’s surgery performance is part of the project called The Reincarnation of Saint Orland thatactually began on her 43rd birthday in 1990 and was performed nine times until 1993. Despite the fact that it is one of her various performances using her body and a kind of method, I wonder why The Reincarnation of Saint Orland is perceived andrepresented as a mere medical technique of modern society called "cosmetic surgery." The reasons can be thought of from two points of view. First, it is because of the influence that "cosmetic surgery"exerts on the mass society. Due to the cosmetic surgery, she drew the public’s attention such as her stories being published not only in art books but also in People’s Magazine. The Reincarnation of Saint Orland can be said to be represented by the word "cosmetic surgery" in that she has taken the approach of cosmetic surgery that exerts an enormousinfluence on the mass society. Second, it is perceived as cosmetic surgery for a negative reason. Orland tried to make her own face by borrowing the faces of the women idealized in the famous works of art in art history. So the art world including feminism artists criticized Orland that she tried to become more beautiful by the standards of beauty defined by the male-dominated society. If so, isn’t there other art historical meanings, getting rid of the feministic meaning, in <The Reincarnation of Saint Orland>? It is considered that clue can be found in Orland’s words that have made the feministic art world criticize Orland incalculably. "My works of art do not resist cosmetic surgery. My works of art challenges the standards of beauty imposed on the woman’s body and challenges the dominant ideology." What she mentioned like this tries to make people recognize that she is not to become a symbol of submission herself, but the art world focuses its criticism on what she tries to challenge by complying with the standards of beauty defined by men. This thesis explains that coming to modern art beyond those criticisms of her, Orland actually understood the entire Western art history by accepting it as the history of human body, and focuses on her trying to present a new concept by her own body. She absorbs the past and modern art by her own body and disfigures it and tried to create new art, i.e. carnal art. Carnal art shows the freedom from sufferings imposed on human body and due to this, it tries to give birth to self separated from one’s own body This is considered the art historical concept with regard to The Reincarnation of Saint Orland, in which the aesthetics of body shown by Orland has been regarded as mere surgeries to become beautiful, no more, no less.

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올랑(Saint Orlan, 1947- )의 <성 올랑의 환생>에 나타난 몸의 미학
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