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農山 申得求의 生涯와 天人理氣의 思想에 대하여

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최종 저작일
22페이지/파일확장자 어도비 PDF
가격 5,800원 할인쿠폰받기

* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국한자한문교육학회 수록지정보 : 漢字漢文敎育 / 9권
저자명 : 朴金奎

영어 초록

Deuk Gu Shin(1850-1900), Nongsan as a pen name, was the Confucian scholar, who had lived between King Chuljong and King Gojong. As you know, in the Chosun Dynasty, on the basis of cultivating the mind, managing the home, governing the country, and pacifying the world, Confucian scholars tried to cultivate their own mind in advance in order to rule others. And so, in order to cultivate their own mind, they tried to make their own will sincere and their own mind right . And then, in order to develop their own sincere will and right mind, they tried to abandon their own desires and follow the laws of nature. Because the origin of this moral philosophy study had been from Jeongia and Chu Hsi in China, and Toigye and Yulgok in Chosun, in case of violating the teaching of these originators, they killed each other as heretics. Also, in case of arguing their own new theory, they ruined both themselves and their family. So, this moral philosophy study could not progressed a little from the theory of Chu Hsi. Here, Scholar Deuk Gu Shin could not be the except but the case for a victim as such heretic. In that his "Rikiron" and "Insimdosimbo" had infringed the theory of Yulgok. his controversy with Byung Seon Song(1836-1905), Yunjae as a pen name, occurred, so that, as the party of Yunjae demolished his house, destroyed his furniture, and tried to exile him far from the capital, owing to these oppression, suppression, and pressure eventually he committed suicide.

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農山 申得求의 生涯와 天人理氣의 思想에 대하여
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