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CO2와 수온 증가에 대한 봄철 저수온기 팔당호 식물플랑크톤군집 변화

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8페이지/파일확장자 어도비 PDF
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* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국하천호수학회 수록지정보 : 생태와 환경 / 46권 / 4호
저자명 : 이가람, 성은주, 박혜진, 박채홍, 박명환, 황순진

한국어 초록

본 연구에서는 봄철 저수온기 팔당호 수역의 식물플 랑크톤을 이용하여 수온과 CO2 증가가 식물플랑크톤 군 집에 미치는 영향을 분석하였다. 2012년 3월 팔당호 경 안천하류 광동교 부근의 현장수를 이용하여 수온증가와 CO2 농도증가를 네 가지 실험군, (1) Control; 저온(현장 수온)과 저농도(공기중) CO2 (6±2

영어 초록

This study investigated the influence of temperature and CO2increase on phytoplankton growthand community structure during cold water season(spring) in Lake Paldang, Korea. Four experimental treat-ments of temperature and CO2manipulation were prepared in the laboratory batch culture: (1) Control;ambient low temperature(6±2C) and low CO2(air level, 400mg L-1), (2) T1; low temperature and high CO2(800mg L-1), (3) T2; high temperature(20±2C) and low CO2, (4) T3; high temperature and high CO2. Algalgrowth experiment was carried out for 10 days under the light intensity of 70μmol m-2s-1(L:D==24:0). Thelevel of pH decreased in both T1 and T3, due to dissolution of added CO2. The dominant phytoplankton speciesof ambient water, Cyclotella meneghinianasucceeded to Fragilaria capucinavar. gracilis in high-temperaturetreatment groups(T2 and T3). Cyanobacteria were very rare at the beginning of the experiment, while Oscilla-toria limneticaappeared in only high-temperature groups(T2 and T3) at 6~7thday. CO2addition in ambienttemperature(T1) induced the highest phytoplankton growth, and thereby producing the highest average celldensity of 3.27±0.33104cells mL-1, followed by T2(2.65±0.26104cells mL-1), T3(2.09±0.16104cells mL-1),and Control(1.86±0.13104cells mL-1)(F==7.167, p==0.000). In summary, temperature increase changed thephytoplankton community structure and CO2increase promoted the phytoplankton growth during the coldspring season in Lake Paldang, suggesting a potential effect of climate change on freshwater phytoplankton.

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CO2와 수온 증가에 대한 봄철 저수온기 팔당호 식물플랑크톤군집 변화
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