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대곡리 암각화(大谷里 岩刻畵)에 나타난 신석기시대 한우도(新石器時代 韓牛島)의 식생활문화(食生活文化)

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8페이지/파일확장자 어도비 PDF
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* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국식생활문화학회 수록지정보 : 韓國食生活文化學會誌 / 21권 / 6호
저자명 : 고경희

영어 초록

The present study examined the characteristic of regional food culture observed in prehistoric Daegok-ri petroglyph based on the history of art, archeological materials and existing whale eating customs. Daegok-가 petroglyph expressed animals in the sky, on the land and in the sea. According to the relic, the most preferred land and marin animals were deer and whale, respectively. In terms of petroglyphic techniques. earlier patch engraving was used mainly to express marin animal whale, and later line engraving to express land animal deer. This implies the possibility that as whale hunting declined due to regional environmental change the source of protein was switched to land animals. Among relics found in Dongsam-dong shell mound, which is a remain from the Neolithic Period, whale bones appear only in shell mounds of the Neolithic Period in coastal areas, and shell mounds until the Ironze Age, which were the agricultural Age, were found the bones of land animals such as deer and wild boar. This shows that in the petroglyph thematic land animals expressed in line engraving, which is a technique later than patch engraving, were major food resources for the supply of protein. Moreover, in terms of art, Daegok-ri petroglyph describes 'advanced hunters', suggesting that it was the Neolithic Period and showing 문 aspect of regional food culture based on hunting and fishing. The credibility, which prehistoric men expressed in Daegok-ri petroglyph before the invention of letters, was also proved by archeological articles.

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대곡리 암각화(大谷里 岩刻畵)에 나타난 신석기시대 한우도(新石器時代 韓牛島)의 식생활문화(食生活文化)
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