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"도문대작(屠門大嚼)"을 통해 본 조선중기 지역별 산출 식품과 향토음식

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최종 저작일
17페이지/파일확장자 어도비 PDF
가격 5,100원 할인쿠폰받기

* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국식생활문화학회 수록지정보 : 韓國食生活文化學會誌 / 18권 / 4호
저자명 : 차경희

영어 초록

Regional foods is influenced by weather, local and social environment etc. The purpose of this study was to understand that regional foods in the middle of Chosun Dynasty through Domundaejac. Some of representative dishes of the Hansung and Kyonggi-do Area is duck(rice cake) of seasonally celebrated days, hangua(korea confectionary) and rice wine. Typical foods in Chungchong-do Area is included persimmon, jujube, watermelon and wax gourd. Some of the well-known food in Kangwon-do Area is pear, bangpungchuk(gruel), sukebyung(rice cake), woongjijunggua(korea confectionary) and sanat-kimchi(picked mustard leaves and stem) that is seemed characteristics of mountainous section. Some of the famous dishes in Cholla-do Area is backsanja(korea confectionary), tea, chuksun kimchi(bamboo shoot pickle), citrus fruits and ear shell. Kyongsan-do Area ia famous persimmon, bamboo fruit, dasik(korea confectionary) and yakban(glutinous rice cake). Hwanghae-do Area is famed pear and choshi as assumed the eatly form of gochujang(thick soypaste mixed with red pepper). Representative dishes are deljjuk(blue berry), herring, sangat-kimchi(picked mustard leaves and sterm) in Hamgyong-do Area and daemandu(big dumpling) in Pyongan-do Area. The coast area is famous for using lots of sea food. Fresh seafood is consumed raw, and clams, fish and seaweed are liberally added to soups and other dishes. The East coast is catched salmon, flatfish, codfish, sandfish and mackerel The West coast is catched yellow corvenia, lobster, tiny shrimp and large-eyed herring. The South coast is catched sea mussel, codfish and laver.

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"도문대작(屠門大嚼)"을 통해 본 조선중기 지역별 산출 식품과 향토음식
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