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교회사적 맥락 속의 교회개혁의 유형과 현대적 선교전략

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최종 저작일
32페이지/파일확장자 어도비 PDF
가격 7,800원 할인쿠폰받기

* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국선교신학회 수록지정보 : 선교신학 / 29권
저자명 : 이충범

영어 초록

Recently, most Christians in Korean have felt shame at watching the status quo of Korean protestantism. Almost everyday, we Christians faced unpleasant news about churches and clergies. At the same time, Christians feel the crisis of church growth and mission. At this moment, it would be significant and meaningful to search for the church reforms in the history of Christianity and to be taught from the past. For this reason, the writer investigated several historical events which caused the church reform consciously or unconsciously. As a result of this research, several types of church reform in the church history could be described as follows. The first case of church reform was accomplished for the purpose of the ecclesiastical and the social change by means of the political struggle. Second, for the purpose of the ecclesiastical and the social change by the revolutionary method. Third, for the purpose of structural subversion by the political struggle. Finally, for the purpose of structural subversion by the revolution. Among these four, because the second type of reform is illogical, the writer would consider the others. The rest of three cases of reform, however, whether it would be successful or not, had the limitation that could not have accomplished the fundamental reform of problems in their own era. For this, the writer has looked for the another way which was named as the fifth way of reformation and the writer considered it as true church reform. Also, it was regarded a genuine church reform as the most effective way of mission. As the fifth way of reform in the church history, the writer analyzed three historical events: the way of St. Francis and his mendicant movement in the twelfth century; the way of religious movement of Beguine in the thirteenth century; and the way of methodist movement of John Wesley in the eighteenth century. The characteristics of these movement would be as follows. First of all, these movements did not happen to struggle or criticize the existing church power and social structure directly. Secondly, even though there were leading persons in these movements, these movements were empowered by the anonymous laities. Thirdly, the participants of these movements proliferated and flourished very rapid within very limited times. Finally, They were so creative that they created new idea, theology, philosophy, and life styles. In conclusion, the writer proposed the fifth way as the ideal both for church reform and growth simultaneously. Through the fifth way, the people who are sick and tired to churches and protestantism in Korea might come into the world of hope, new spirituality, and creative life that they have never felt in the existing ecclesiastical structure. Then, new Christian communities will proliferate such as the above creative religious movements.

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