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교육연구의 패러다임 전환을 위한 방략

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
35페이지/파일확장자 어도비 PDF
가격 6,400원 할인쿠폰받기

* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국교육원리학회 수록지정보 : 교육원리연구 / 6권 / 1호
저자명 : 장상호


1. 교육학의 자율화
2. 응용학문보다는 순수학문
3. 상식의 해체
4. 외래학문의 배제
5. 교육현상 자체의 탐구
6. 부분보다는 전체가 우선
7. 새로운 개념과 용어의 창조

영어 초록

Many confusions and distortions have been resulted in educational discussion due to a failure to distinguish between schooling and education. However, the majority of articles in this field still have been heading wrongly for the so-called interdisciplinary studies of schooling. Now it`s time to correct the situation. In order to do this, educational research should put its first priority to open up a coherent perspective and to develop a new way of understanding the educational phenomena. This article suggests six indispensable guidelines needed for us to switch our attention and efforts from the former paradigm to the latter one. 1) We should put more emphasis on producing knowledge than applying our knowledge to the improvement of education. If an academic research in education is useful, that is not because it is useful in everyday life but because what it finds is true. Finding a true knowledge requires us to overcome a pragmatic notion to judge the truth of an idea mainly by its utility . 2) We should try to avoid in stitutional and common sensical notion of education in our research. Our study aims not to study what people think about education, but to replace it with a deeper understanding. In this regard, special efforts are needed to segregate education from schooling. 3) We should stop borrowing concepts and theories from other disciplines such as philosophy, psychology, and sociology, etc. They are in applicable to educational science simply because an educational aspect of our life is different from other aspects and can be manifested only by the perspectives peculiar to education. 4) We shall make a surer and faster progress when we devote ourselves to finding out just what education is. Unessential contingencies thereof should be completely screened out as irrelevant to our pursuit. In oder to take this strict attitude, it is necessary to acquaint ourselves with the phenomenal method to some extent. 5) Assuming that education is a self-regulatory mode of life, we should open our eyes to see its pattern, system, and structure as a coherent whole. No really meaningful concept can exist in isolation. Each research must be supported and colored by the entire network of concepts we are trying to establish as an educational theory. 6) New ideas of education require new concepts and vocabularies. In that regard, we should be more daring and creative. People might feel uncomfortable with u sing these totally new concepts and terms and this might be an un avoid able process in the beginning. Bu t their viability will ultimately depend on how they reveal the world of education to the people as a unique mode of our daily life.

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