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가상 세계에 기반을 둔 현대인의 다중자아 현상 고찰 - <미스터 노바디>를 중심으로-

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
27페이지/파일확장자 어도비 PDF
가격 5,600원 할인쿠폰받기

* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국문화예술교육학회 수록지정보 : 모드니 예술 / 12권
저자명 : 박상은


Ⅰ. 들어가며 : 2000년대 초 여중생들의 정체성 확장과 탐색
Ⅱ. 가상 세계와 다원적 정체성
1. 다차원의 세계 = 가상의 세계
2. 다중적 존재, ‘니모 노바디’
Ⅲ. 가상 세계의 특성을 드러내는 장치들
1. ‘운영자의 세계’ - 체크무늬의 상징
2. 동일한 이용자에 의해 구현된 인물
3. 운영자의 개입과 통제
4. 망각과 몰입-개입과 조작
Ⅳ. 나오며

영어 초록

We who are living in the period of excessive media exist as fluid and multiple subjects in a huge communication net called global network. As the proportion of cyber space in our life increases gradually
since 2000, our identity has been extending and expressed as fragmented self. The realistic virtual world
such as ‘Second Life’ which models the reality enables us directly to get involved and the network world
more easily accessible via smart phone functions as ‘expanded sensory organs’ of human beings. Now we
become ‘the subject of information production’ who directly participate in the production or spread of
information depending on our interest or characteristics. We are now evaluated as multi-layered and
multi-faceted subject instead of mono-layered subject. We constantly change ourselves complying with the
different demands from the different environments and go through the process which accomplish our
existence based on self-understanding and self-accomplishment. The contemporary people living here and
now in the 21st century are living as multiple and fluid subjects on the stage of virtual space based on
If movie may be understood as art which encompasses the self-reflective acts of human beings based on
specific space and time, analyzing the spatial and temporal contexts expressed in the movie, the characters
realized in the movie and other aesthetical elements would be a significant work. In this sense, this study
is aimed to examine life pattern of our generation by analyzing <Mr. Nobody> (Jaco Van Domael, 2009)
which was planned and filmed at the time when the 21st century just started and digital culture was on
its track. As the movie shows the multi-layered and expanded self-experiences of contemporary people
symptomatically, the main character of the movie Nemo Nobody shows the characteristics of fragmented
multiple self. The life of Nemo Nobody complicated and expressed in a non-linear manner is a multiple
and contradictory story. The impossible story occurring at the same time in different places is considered
in connection with the pattern of existence in the virtual space based on internet networks. It is expressed
as if the user of Role Playing Game execute it several times by ‘selecting’ the characters 9 times. Or it
may be compared to that many different users based on networks raise one character on their own unique
way. The world of <Mr. Nobody> shows the virtual world by transforming into cinematic images. In
fact the multiple identities of Nemo Nobody are expressed on the background of virtual world, and the
world with many different dimensions reveal the characteristics of virtual space through many symbolic
The purposes of this study is to demonstrate that the world expressed in multiple and parallel manners
may be replaced with ‘virtual world’ and to examine how each subject in the multi-dimensional virtual
world is embodied. Through this analysis, the phenomenon of multiple self among contemporary people
may be inferred.

참고 자료



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