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앵글로-색슨의 정주유형과 촌락공동체의 형성

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40페이지/파일확장자 어도비 PDF
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* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 동국사학회 수록지정보 : 동국사학 / 38권
저자명 : 沈載允


Ⅰ. 머리말
Ⅱ. 앵글로 색슨의 기원
Ⅲ. 앵글로 색슨의 정주
Ⅳ. 촌락공동체의 형성
Ⅴ. 맺음말

영어 초록

In the middle years of the fifth century heathen Germanic Peoples, known generically as Anglo-Saxons, who had for long been troublesome pirates to the inhabitants of Britain, altered the nature of their intentions towards the island. They came from three of very formidable races of Germany, the Saxons, Angles and Jutes. The settlement proper began. Their three main route of entry and settlement lay along the Thames valley, along the river systems that drained into the Wash. and through the Humber, particularly along the long winding line of the Trent that led the south and west from the Humber down into what was to be the heartland of Mercian power in modern Staffordshire. By the end of the fifth century a finn foothold had been established along the eastern shores of Britain from the Humber and the Wash to the Thames Estuary and Kent.
The settlements of Anglo-Saxon basically had a nature of agrarian community. It is probable that the primary purpose of the invaders on Roman-Britain might be not plundering the original inhabitants but acquiring land for settlement. They were not tribute-takers from former inhabitants but tillers of arable lands. This is associated with the nature of agrarian community formed in the process of settlement of Anglo-Saxons. There has been several interpretations for the fanning of Anglo-Saxon village community and distribution of land. Some argued that Anglo-Saxon village community would be fanned by the distribution of lands according to the expanding of their settlements. The others emphasized the result of natural growth from the center of settlement. If the Anglo-Saxon invasion is read as a true migration, a combination of both processes is likely, with military lordship in the ascendant as new land was won and defended, with peasant independence asserted as peaceful conditions were resumed and settlement deepened. We may, therefore, find the basis of development of this agrarian community from multiple estates established in the process of Anglo-Saxon settlement.
In terms of settlement the mutiple estate was essentially a federation of township units, and in terms of organization it was centered upon a caput at which renders in kind were received from dependent townships. In multiple estates, some villages that were predominantly pastoral in their specialization no doubt grew some arable crops for their own subsistence needs, and the other villages that were largely concerned with the production of crops might well have needed to organize their arable land on a basis more intensive field system. The multiple estate system of Anglo-Saxon was, however, subjected to disruptive forces. The disintegration of the multiple estates was the main development in the settlement history of Anglo-Saxon England. For both types of villages, the disintegration of multiple estates meant the changes of agrarian structure and formation in village communities.

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