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社會變動과 敎育

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
12페이지/파일확장자 어도비 PDF
가격 4,100원 할인쿠폰받기

* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국교육학회 수록지정보 : 교육학연구 / 12권 / 1호
저자명 : 車京守


Ⅰ. 序論
Ⅱ. 急激한 變化
Ⅲ. 變動의 特徵
Ⅳ. 變動이 우리에게 意味하는 것
Ⅴ. 社會變動과 敎育
Ⅵ. 결론

영어 초록

Society is rapidly changing, not only our ways of living but also ways of thinking, our attitudes and our values. In this situation, we face the problem of how much we should discard tradition and how much we should accept modern ideas. It is very important in educational planning, especially with regard to defining educational objectives and curriculum.
In consideration of these problems, this paper deals with the following questions: (1) What are the characteristics of social change in contemporary society? (2) What problems does such change bring to us? (3) And finally, what does social change imply for educational change
The thesis of this paper may be stated in the following way; We are facing a rapid change in the fields of science and technology, population growth, bureaucracy, and urbanization. These changes are likely to create a gap between function and organization, normative dissensus among members of society, stress and conflict. Therefore, in order to reduce the negative impact of rapid change, it is desirable that schools in a changing society do not over-emphasize either traditionalism or modernism, but rather take a balanced aporoach in pointing out the functional importance of both. Also, to encourage the individual's ability to adapt and creatively innovate in a changing world, school shoud be encouraged to teach basic social values and principles rather than to inculcate specific behavioral norms.
A brief summary of the paper follows. Rapid change is one important characteristic of contemporary society. Change is more serious now than at any other previous time in terms of its speed, scope and effect on our life. These changes, whether we want them or not, are cumulative and additive, and thus are likely to continue in the future. We have already reached a high level of scientific and tecnological development, and this in turn will produce further development and change. It is estimated that we now have more than 90 percent of all the scientists whom we have had in all of human history.
These rapid changes bring us many problems. First of all, the change itself can be an important source of conflict and stress since the change does not come at the same rate to all parts of society. Some parts of society change first, and other parts later, resulting in different values and behaviors at a given time among members of society. We may formulate a hypothesis that “the more rapid and less uniform the change is, the more conflict and stress, or normative dissensus, the society will have.”
Secondly, rapid change makes the knowledge, values, and behaviors that we learned in our early childhood useless. The change in mental aspects such as attitutdes and values is more important, in that sense, than the change in material aspects such as the level of living conditions, to our normative dissensus.
This situation gives us valuable implications for education. First of all, the school may prevent cultural lag and reduce stress which are likely to come from the lack of proper socialization by maintaining a balance between traditionalism and modernism. Also, gradual change in educational policy may help reduce the sudden impact of societal change. Secondly, the schools can help students by encouraging the indidual's ability to adapt and creatively innovate by teaching fundamental social values rather than inculcating particular norms and values. such educational change is already represented in the school by concept teaching, simulation games in the classroom, the discovery method, inquiry teaching, and open education. Even the recent movement of deschooling and the emphasis on life-long education (adult education) show this trend, that is, educational change comes from social change.
Of course, we can speculate that Korea would have had less conflict and stress if we had not changed our educational practice overnight after 1945 or that we might have avoidend the normative dissensus that we are facing now if we had more emphasized our traditional values and culture and suppressed the inflow of western values. It seems, however, that the time has come to think seriouly about such problems and it certainly is worth studying.

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