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敎師適性으로서의 學習習慣과 그機能

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16페이지/파일확장자 어도비 PDF
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* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국교육학회 수록지정보 : 교육학연구 / 7권 / 2호
저자명 : 林亭珍


敎師適性으로서의 學習習慣의 意味
學習習慣의 諸要因分析
學習習慣으로서의 讀書의 重要性
要約 및 考察

영어 초록

1. This study intends to develop a significant guidance program in learning and to propose considerations through analysing the learning habit and its function of the students in the Primary Teacher Training Institution.
2. Learning habit may use alternately with learning attitude in definition and it includes learning, motivation, learning attitude, learning skill and reading skill.
3. Learning habit test for the freshmen by sex shows that female students are more higher in raw score, mean and critical ration than male students. The study reveals the following CR. Motivation, and Technique factors P>. 10, Remainder factor P>. 001. Total Scones P>. 01
4. The frequency distribution of total scores by sex of the freshmen is shown by the bimodal distribution and this seems to indicate the foundamental characteristics of the student groups who are admitted in 1969. This means the first group is goal minded with strong motivation and the second selected group is weak in motivation. This point should be paid much attention by the college authority through the proper program to strenghthen the latter group.
5. The mean and CR of the raw score for the sophomore shows by far high in mean with the female students. CR shows as follows: Motivation, P>.01 Technique P>.001 Remainder P>. 001and Total score is P>.001. Each factor shows significant level.
6. CR of the male students between the freshmen and sophomore shows no significance by P>.10 throughout the each factor of motivation, technique, remainder and total score. This cause should be eliminated and provided with proper guidance program by the college authority.
7. Correlation of the female students between the freshmen and sophomore shows no notable deviation by Mean is P>.001, and Total score is P>.01.
8. In item analysing of the learning habits inventory, most item scores concerned with reading skill shows considerably low. Proper guidance for the reading skill should be given to meet this defect.
9. The reading activity of students shows 80.8%.
10. Reading books relating with professonal major shows only 27.5% with critical problem.
11. The motive for reading has not notable relation with the purpose of study and it shows no marked influences by the teacher or senior students in reading.
12. Students know their own deficiencies in reading. It requires the desirable reading guidance to meet their needs in reading.
13. In the items of refering to the reading guidance in the secondary school, the study shows that lack of stimulus, encouragement, reading materials, and facilities for the reading purpose. Besides, professional guidance such as misreading, eye movement and lip movement should be provided adequately for the efficient reading of the students.

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敎師適性으로서의 學習習慣과 그機能
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