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영재교육 프로그램이 논리적사고와 창의성에 미치는 효과

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
18페이지/파일확장자 어도비 PDF
가격 4,700원 할인쿠폰받기

* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국영재학회 수록지정보 : 영재교육연구 / 5권 / 2호
저자명 : 신현숙


Ⅰ. 序論
Ⅱ. 硏究 方法 및 節次
Ⅲ. 結果
Ⅳ. 要約 및 結論
Ⅴ. 提言

영어 초록

The purpose of the study is to examine the effects of Gifted Education Institute of Korea (GEIK) programs for gifted children especially in the areas of reasoning skills and creativity, thereby proving the effectiveness of the program.
The subjects are 136 (103 boys and 33 girls) fourth, fifth, and sixth grade gifted children, who have participated in GEIK programs for more than six moths. They were stratified by the length of participation in GEIK programs. Ninety four children have participated for more than one year. Forty-two children have participated for less than one year.
Both groups are rather homogeneous in IQ scores and school achievement levels at the time of enterance into GEIK programs.
Both a Group Assessment of Logical Thinking (GAIT) and a Creativity test were used for the study on reasoning skills and creativity. GALT, developed by V. Roadranka, R. H. Yeany and M. J. Padilla in 1983, consists of 12 questions. It is classified into six subscales: conservation, proportional reasoning, controlling variables, provability reasoning, correlational reasoning, and combinatorial reasoning. The reliability of this test is .85. This test recommends to classify the stages of child development as follows according to the total test score. 0-4 point: Concrete Stage, 5-7 points: Transitional Stage, and 8 and above points: Formal stage.
The Creativity Test was developed by Y. Lee and W. Chung (1971). It consists of four components: fluency, flexibility, originality, and openness. Only both fluency and openness were used in this study.
In order to analyze data, T-Test, Intercorrelational Analyses, ANOVA, and Multiple Regression were used.
Followings are the results deduced from the above analyses of the data.
First, 43.48% of the subjects were on Concrete Stage, 36.78% were on the Transitional Stage, and 19.86% were on the Formal Stage in the developmental level classified by Piaget.
Second, the students who have participated in GEIK programs more than one year acquired significantly higher score in GALT than the students who have participated in GEIK programs less than one year.
Third, boys showed higher score in GALT than girls did.
Fourth, there were statistically significant intercorrelations between six subscales of GALT.
Fifth, the students who have participated in GEIK programs more than one year acquired significantly higher score in openness of creativity test than the students who have participated in GEIK programs less than one year. There were no significant differences in openness of creativity test between boys and girls.
Sixth, the students who have participated in GEIK programs more than one year acquired significantly higher score in fluency of creativity test than the students who have participated in GEIK programs less than one year. Girls showed higher score in fluency of creativity test than boys did.
Seventh, the students who acquired higher score in GALT showed higher score in both openness and fluency of creativity test.
Followings are the conclusions deduced form the above results.
First, the developmental level of reasoning skills of the fourth grade students participationg in GEIK programs is the same as that of 7th grade of normal Korean students and the same as those of 10th grade of U.S.A. and Philipoine students.
Second, the GEIK programs are effective in improving reasoning skills.
Third, the GEIK programs are effective in improving creativity.
Fouth, reasoning skills and creativity can be improved by well planned programs.
In conclusion, this study suggests that beyond reasoning skills and creativity, other areas such as areas in science skills, mathmatical skills, or verbal skills, etc., should be studied in the future.

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