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Behavioral Problem Solving of Caregivers for Chi ldren Age 3 to 5 Years in Chi ldcare Centers under Local Administrative Organization

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
18페이지/파일확장자 어도비 PDF
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* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 환태평양유아교육연구학회 수록지정보 : Asia-Pacific journal of research in early childhood education / 2권 / 1호
저자명 : Cheerapan Bhulpat


Data Collection
Data Analysis

한국어 초록

The purpose of this research was to study behavioral problems of 3-5 years oldchildren and the successful solutions that caregivers used in childcare centers underLocal Administrative Organization. The samples were 4,147 caregivers. The researchinstrument used in this study was a questionnaire concerning children behavioralproblems and solutions of caregivers. Content analysis and percentage were used toanalyze the data.The research findings were as follows:1. Children behavioral problems found in classroom could be categorized into 6groups. The highest frequency of the behavioral problems found in each groupwere: (1) being aggressive 24.31 %; (2) making a loud noise 56.46%; (3) throwingobj ects 27.72%; (4) being addicted to baby bottle 20.22%; (5) refusing to take anap 35.57%; and (6) refusing to have lunch 31.83%.2. Solutions that caregivers used successfully could also be categorized into 6 groups.The highest frequency solutions in each group were: (1) setting rules, asking forcooperation and praising them for appropriate perfonnance 27 .27%; (2) speakingwith them softly 53.74%; (3) no suggestions in dealing with this group of behavioralproblems; (4) asking children to leave their bottles with the caregivers16.94%; (5) encouraging all of them to sleep during nap time 31.40%; and (6)explaining them the results of not eating and complementing those who eat23.51 %. Solutions that caregivers mostly used in each sub-group as mentioned were: settingrules, encouraging and praising them when they perform; telling a story concerningthe incident; separating the children from the circumstances; reminding and explainingthem what was inappropriate; and setting helpful activities for them to joinwith.

영어 초록

The purpose of this research was to study behavioral problems of 3-5 years old
children and the successful solutions that caregivers used in childcare centers under
Local Administrative Organization. The samples were 4,147 caregivers. The research
instrument used in this study was a questionnaire concerning children behavioral
problems and solutions of caregivers. Content analysis and percentage were used to
analyze the data.
The research findings were as follows:
1. Children behavioral problems found in classroom could be categorized into 6
groups. The highest frequency of the behavioral problems found in each group
were: (1) being aggressive 24.31 %; (2) making a loud noise 56.46%; (3) throwing
obj ects 27.72%; (4) being addicted to baby bottle 20.22%; (5) refusing to take a
nap 35.57%; and (6) refusing to have lunch 31.83%.
2. Solutions that caregivers used successfully could also be categorized into 6 groups.
The highest frequency solutions in each group were: (1) setting rules, asking for
cooperation and praising them for appropriate perfonnance 27 .27%; (2) speaking
with them softly 53.74%; (3) no suggestions in dealing with this group of behavioral
problems; (4) asking children to leave their bottles with the caregivers
16.94%; (5) encouraging all of them to sleep during nap time 31.40%; and (6)
explaining them the results of not eating and complementing those who eat
23.51 %. Solutions that caregivers mostly used in each sub-group as mentioned were: setting
rules, encouraging and praising them when they perform; telling a story concerning
the incident; separating the children from the circumstances; reminding and explaining
them what was inappropriate; and setting helpful activities for them to join

참고 자료



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Behavioral Problem Solving of Caregivers for Chi ldren Age 3 to 5 Years in Chi ldcare Centers under Local Administrative Organization
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