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体系的인 敎育媒体 프로그램의 開發戰略

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
21페이지/파일확장자 어도비 PDF
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* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국교육공학회 수록지정보 : 교육공학연구 / 2권 / 1호
저자명 : 權星湖


I. 序論
II. 교수매체 프로그램의 개념
III. 교수매체 프로그램의 개발
IV. 교수매체 프로그램의 運營
V. 提言및 結論

한국어 초록

교육공학은 근래들어 학계, 교육현장은 물론 컴퓨터 판매 선전용어로도 심심치 않게 신문지상에 활자화되는 등 첨단교육의 대명사처럼 입에 오르내리며 비판과 찬사를 함께 받고 있다.전자는 교육공학을 교육의 劃一化, 非人間化, 교육수단과 목적의 말살, 돈이 많은 드는 교육으로 혹독하게 몰아부치는가 하면 후자는 한국 교육이 고질적으로 當面하고 있는 낙후된학습환경, 피동적이고 결과 중심적인 수업방법, 교사의 전문적 향상, 심지어 입시문제 등이교육공학이라는 요술상자로 단숨에 해결될 수 있는 것처럼 찬사를 보내고 있다. 이는 한국의 교육공학이 학문적으로나 실제 현장에서 올바르게 인식되지 못하고 있고 실효를 구체적으로 나타내지 못하고 있는 단편적인 예라 하겠다.그 동안 교육공학의 정의 확립이나 올바른 인식을 위해 꾸준한 노력이 계속되어 왔고 교수방법과 교수체제에 관한 模型探索, 교수매체 사용 효과 등에 대한 활발한 연구가 이루어지고 있으나 이론과 현장 간에 상존하고 있는 갭 은 줄어 들지 않고 있다.

영어 초록

The purpose of this study were 1) to establish the concept of instructional mediaprogram and 2) to provide guidance for th organization and administration of asystematic instructional media program for the improved quality of Korean education.Instructional media program can be defined as a systematic group of experiencesproviding ways and means for student s to achieve an educational outcome. The purposeof a media program is to as sist individuals in the attainment of both personnel andprogram objectives. In the words, the objectives of a media program, like the totaleducational program, are dependent upon the support of personnel, materials , equipment ,facilities , processes , and content . A basic component of all media programs is the humaninterchange between media staff and the administration staff, between media staff andteacher s, and most of all, between the media per son and student . Media program can becharacterized as a process, not an event . There is no school system too small, norfinancially limitted, not to start a program with people and materials at hand. T hedifference between one media program and another is usually a matter of degree, notkind. Media program exist at every level- school, district , region, state, nation ... and ofeven farther - reaching relationships, as technology makes these possible.In relation to the need for a systematic instructional media programs for the improvedquality of Korean education, the following recommendations are offered in priority order :National LevelT o seek a rational integration of an improved instructional media program, acontinuous and consistant long- term plan at the national level must established :1. A chart of the proposed organization and administration of the instructional mediaprogram is shown in Figure 2.2. Create the position of a media program director who would be directly responsibleto the as sistant superintendent in the charge of the instructional media program atthe Ministry of Education.3. Establish standards for school media programs , and describe the roles of mediaper sonnel as the basis for revision of job descriptions .4. Undertake research to determine the role of instructional media in the newcurriculum program being development for schools .State / Regional Level1. Inservice education programs regarding effective utilization of all types of mediashould be established by the Ministry of Education of State Board of Education.2. The colleges and Univer sities should continue to provide and improve cour se anddevelop more adequate programs in order to develop the best instructional mediaprograms possible.3. The Ministry of Education and State Board of Education should be involved increating and promoting certifications program for media specialist .District Level1. District media center s would need to be established or to be revised in the schooldistrict : example seven school district s in Seoul2. T he school district should investigate the possibility of providing assistance foreach school media program including inservice workshops for the entire instructionalstaff.School Level1. School media center should be the center of the instructional media program inschools2. Each individuals school should initiate it s own inservice program as a coordinatedpart of the total professional growth program.From this study it was concluded that the better instructional media programs areneeded to improve the quality of teaching and learning in the schools in Korea. It canbe said that instructional media has played it s role well in bringing about innovation inthe classrooms . In the world of changing technology there needs to be willingness toadopt and adapt whatever is suitable and whatever can be afforded. Given the support itneeds and the leader ship is requires the Ministry of Education should be able to makean even greater contribution toward fulfilling the demands for improved quality ofeducation.

참고 자료



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