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Reflection of OpenData on Architectural Design

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
11페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 4,000원 할인쿠폰받기


1. Reflection on Architectural Design
2. Narrating Site - strategic walking as a site investigation strategy
3. Experimenting: interactive noise map
4. Assembling used 3D printer
5. Bibliography


Nowadays, there are lots of arising problems in the urban area. Often architectural projects can be answers or breakthrough of these problems. Many young architects propose brilliant projects to solve the issues that they are thinking these are urgent matters. However, these architectural project, sometimes, fail to communicate with the public who are non-architects and then remain some questions of their mind in terms of its process such as where does the result come from

<중 략>

So, if people movements are collected by GPS, it can change and reshape the network. [Fig. 8] is key image of my project. If my project designing footpath network and the network is connected to certain areas could be green area, housing or market place. Through network people can reach the place where they want to go without cars and noise. In addition, if they get tired, they can take bus or tram on the network. On the network people can do various activities such as growing plant or exercising.

참고 자료

Butterworth, Carolyn and Vardy, Sam, Site-Seeing: Constructing the ‘Creative Survey’, Field journal, Vol.2, (2008), 126
Butterworth, Carolyn and Vardy, Sam, Site-Seeing: Constructing the ‘Creative Survey’, Field journal, Vol.2, (2008), 127-128
Debord, Guy, ‘Situationist international online’, Theory of the Dérive, http://www.cddc.vt.edu/sionline/si/theory.html, [accessed 28 04 2014], 1 of 22 / Les Lèvres Nues #9 (November 1956) reprinted in Internationale Situationniste #2 (December 1958)
DAFRA (Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs), Maps and Charts, Noise Mapping England, http://services.defra.gov.uk, [accessed 30 04 2014]
Janette Kim and Kate Orff, Urban Omnibus, ‘safari 7’, http://urbanomnibus.net/2009/05/safari-7/, [accessed 09 04 2014]
RIBA, ARUP, Designing with data: shaping our future cities, RIBA, ARUP, < http://www.architecture.com/>, [accessed 30 04 2014]
Opendata twitter, Design for Manufacture: Workshop tweets, < http://studioopendata.wikispaces.com/> , [accessed 30 04 2014]
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