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[오픽IH]오픽 스크립트 모임(집,휴가,여행,수영 등)

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
16페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
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"[오픽IH]오픽 스크립트 모임(집,휴가,여행,수영 등)"에 대한 내용입니다.


1. 수영
2. 집휴가
3. 살고 있는 집
4. 집에서 의무
5. 해외/ 국내여행
6. 레스토랑


★★★ 수영
1. 수영 왜 좋아하니?
There are some great benefits for swimming. And there are some reasons why I like swimming. First of all, it’s good for my health. Swimming on a regular basis helps circulation and builds muscle. Second, unlike land exercises such as running and cycling, I don’t sweat in the water. While I’m swimming, the water constantly cools my body, so I don’t feel hot. Lastly, I really like playing in the water. Actually, my nickname is a seal among my friends. I feel so refreshed, and this kind of feeling relieves my stress. Nowadays, I’m under a lot of stress to getting a job. So, I’m trying to swim once a week.
Well, anyway, for these reason, to me, swimming is just awesome. It is the best.

2. 수영 시작하게 된 이유
I started swimming in order to get back into shape. Actually, I gained a lot of weight last year… nearly 20 pounds. Wow…. Actually, I solved the stress by eating foods like candy, chocolate etc. anyway, I decided to start swimming and actually, I have had several positive changes since I started swimming. First of all, of course, I slimmed down!!! I guess swimming burns off calories effectively. Second, I’m healthier than ever before. Thanks to regular exercise and diet, I feel more energetic. Last but not least, I sleep well because of regular exercise. After a nice workout, I feel a little tired and I can get a good night sleep.
Actually, I think swimming is a perfect exercise. So you also try, Eva!

참고 자료

판매자 유형Bronze개인인증
현재 중견기업 인사팀 재직중입니다:D
업무를 하면서 만들어 온 양식 또는
읽었던 책 독후감 올리고 있습니다.
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[오픽IH]오픽 스크립트 모임(집,휴가,여행,수영 등)
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