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Explaining English Grammar 교재(8. Infinitive and Gerunds 정리)

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
9페이지/한글파일 한컴오피스
가격 2,000원 할인쿠폰받기


1. Overview
2. Basic forms
3. Basic meanings
4. Meaning in context
5. Noun-like events
6. Deny and refuse
7. Types of verbs
8. Aspectual verbs
9. Sensory perception verbs


· The use of different complement types after a number of common MAIN VERBS → NON-FINITE verb complements(to-INFINITIVE, BARE INFINITIVE, GERUND).
· 'Verb before to verb'(V before to-V) vs. 'verb after verb -ing'(V after V -ing) → the more verb-like properties of infinitives and the more noun-like properties of gerunds.
· COMMITMENT VERBS(plan, persuade) - infinitive complements in either a SELF-DIRECTED or OTHER-DIRECTED commitment.
· A consideration of the different interpretations of complements after ASPECTUAL VERBS(start, quit) and SENSORY-PERCEPTION VERBS(hear, see).
· The connection between LINGUISTIC DISTANCE and CONCEPTUAL DISTANCE - the complements of sensory perception verbs.

Basic forms
· How verbs are used in the same position, as COMPLEMENTS, to refer to actions and events → infinitives and gerunds.
[1] a. He wanted to see her again.
b. She told him to get lost.
c. He watched her walk away.
→ The base form of the verb = INFINITIVES

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Explaining English Grammar 교재(8. Infinitive and Gerunds 정리)
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