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topics for in depth reading book 3 3과 The gun debate 해석본

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topics for in depth reading book 3 3과 The gun debate 해석본




총기 논쟁
It still hurts. The shootings in 1999 at columbine high school in Litleton, Colorado,
have left a painful dark mark on the whole country, like a bad bruise that is slow to
fade. It hurts to think of the two tenage gunmen and the 15 lives they took. It hurts
to think that anything like it could ever happen again.
To make sure that it doesn’t happen again, the nation is pausing on the first
anniversary of the columbine shootings to reflect on how to prevent such tragedies in
the future. The anniversary has sparked a national debate about how to reduce all types
of gun violence. The President, Congress, private groups and ordinary citizens have all
entered the debate. Do we ned more gun laws, or do we ned beter enforcement of
the laws we already have? there is great disagrement on that question. But there is no
disputing this fact: 4,223 Americans age 19 and younger were killed or killed themselves
with a gun in 1997. That’s nearly a dozen kids a day. An additional 28, 186 adults were
killed. What can be done to avoid more such deaths?
Donna Dees-Thomases has some ideas. She is the mother of two and the leader of the
million mom march, to be held in Washington, D.C , on may 14, 2000. The mother’s
day marches hope to encourage Congress to pass new gun laws. Dees-Thomases wants
to se licenses reqired for all gun owners, a national registry of handguns and gun
safety locks

참고 자료

판매자 유형Bronze개인


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