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topics for in-depth reading 12과 invasion of the green iguanas 해석

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3페이지/한글파일 한컴오피스
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topics for in-depth reading 12과 invasion of the green iguanas 해석




Invasion of the Green Iguanas

Scientists discover that lizards took a rafting trip in the Caribbean Sea

One day som green iguanas were climbing trees on the Caribbean island of Guadeloupe
(gwad-a-loop), when a hurricane hit. Fierce winds blew the trees down, and heavy rains
swept them to the shore. Soon the iguanas were at sea, floating north on a raft of tangled
trees. The lizards held on for dear life, as they bobbed along for 200 miles. They landed
at last on the island of Anguilla (an-gwill-a).
Can land-loving lizards really ride the waves? Witnesses to their arrival and scientists who
studied it say it truly happened. More important, the iguanas` voyage helps prove an old
theory about how animals sometimes relocate to faraway places.

Surfing to abguilla
Green iguanas live in South America and the Caribbean, usually no farther north than
Guadeloupe. That`s why fishermen on Anguilla were amazed to spot the colorful creatures
on the beach in October 1995. The island is home to brown iguanas, but the lizards on
the beach were bluish green, with giant scales on their cheeks. Anguilla`s residents
contacted biologist Ellen Censky.

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판매자 유형Bronze개인


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