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천식 Asthma

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
15페이지/파워포인트파일 MS 파워포인트
가격 1,000원 할인쿠폰받기


천식 Asthma를 Harrison of Internal Medicine 을 참고로 하여 만든 자료 입니다.

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1. Introduction
2. Etiology
3. Pathogenesis
4. Asthma Triggers
5. Pathophysiology
6. Clinical Features
7. Diagnosis
8. Treatment


1. Introduction
a syndrome
airflow obstruction that varies markedly,
both spontaneously and with treatment
2. Etiology
3. Pathogenesis
4. Asthma Triggers
1) Allergens
2) Virus Infections
3) Pharmacologic Agents
4) Exercise
5) actors
6) Food
7) Air Pollution
8) Occupational Factors
9) Hormonal Factors
10) Gastroesophageal Reflux
11) Stress
5. Pathophysiology
Limitation of airflow!!
bronchoconstriction (main)
airway edema, vascular congestion, and luminal occlusion with exudate
↑ airway resistance
↓ FEV1
Airway Hyperresponsiveness(AHR)
the excessive bronchoconstrictor response
to multiple inhaled triggers that would have no effect on normal airways.
↑ AHR ↑ frequency of asthma symptoms
reduce AHR : aim of therapy!!
direct bronchoconstrictors
contract airway smooth muscle
histamine and methacholine
indirect stimuli (most of the triggers)
release bronchoconstrictors from mast cells or activate sensory neural reflexes
, exercise, hyperventilation, irritant dusts, and sulfur dioxide
6. Clinical Features
wheezing, dyspnea, and coughing
worse at night
awake in the early morning hours
increased ventilation
use of accessory muscles of ventilation
Prodromal symptoms
nder the chin, discomfort between the scapulae, or inexplicable fear (impending doom).
expiratory rhonchi throughout the chest
7. Diagnosis

참고 자료

Harrison`s of Internal Medicine 17th
판매자 유형Bronze개인


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