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한국입양법의 변천, Alteration of the Korean adoption law

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
19페이지/한글파일 한컴오피스
가격 1,000원 할인쿠폰받기


한국 입양법의 변천에 관한 영어 리포트입니다.


1. Introduction
2. Alteration and problems of the Korean adoption law
(1) The first phase of the Korean adoption law
(2) The second phase of the Korean adoption law
(3) Current phase of the Korean adoption law

3. Reform measures of the Korean adoption law
(1) Reform measures in general point of view
(2) UNCRC and Hague Convention
4. Conclusion


1. 1. 1. Introduction

The Act on Special cases Concerning the Promotion and Procedure of Adoption
The first chapter
The first amendment; This law`s purpose is providing related facts for promoting adoption for abandoned children, protecting foster sons, and planning to promote welfare.
(입양촉진 및 절차에 관한 특례법
第1章 總則
第1條 (目的) 이 法은 要保護兒童의 入養을 촉진하고 養子로 되는 者의 보호와 福祉增進을 도모하기 위하여 필요한 사항을 規定함을 目的으로 한다.) The Act on Special cases Concerning the Promotion and Procedure of Adoption [a part revision 2008. 2. 29 The Law No.8852]

This is the first amendment of the current Korean adoption law. I thought it is ridiculous when I first saw this law, because of the name of the law. As you see in the title of the law, one of the law`s purposes is promoting adoption. Why did the Korean government make a law to promote adoption? Is there a reason to promote adoption still in 2008? And what is the relationship between adoption and welfare?

참고 자료

The Law of Special Application for Adoption of Orphans [Legislation 1961.9.30 The Law No.731]
Legislating Reason of the Law of Special Application for Adoption of Orphans [Legislation 1961.9.30 The Law No.731] [New Legislation]
The Law of Special Application for Adoption [Legislation 1976. 12. 31 The Law No.2977]
Legislating Reason of the Law of Special Application for Adoption [Legislation 1976. 12. 31 The Law No.2977] [New Legislation]
Changing Reason of the Act on Special Cases Concerning the Promotion and Procedure of Adoption [The full text revision 1995. 1. 5. The Law No.4913] [The full text revision]
The Act on Special Cases Concerning the Promotion and Procedure of Adoption [The full text revision 1995. 1. 5 The Law No.4913]
The Act on Special cases Concerning the Promotion and Procedure of Adoption [A part revision 2008. 2. 29 The Law No.8852]

Boon Young Han. Contextualizing Modern Korean Adoption Law. Proceeding of the First International Korean Adoption Studies Research Symposium Seoul, South Korea, 2007.
Bok Hee Jang. Hague Convention for international adoption and improvement of domestic adoption law, Justice Vol. 93. 2004.
Tae Soon Bae. Suggestion Revision on Adoption Law and Program Development for Adoption in Korea, Korea Child Welfare Vol. 7, 1998.
To the Republic of Korea’s Second Periodic Report on the Implementation of the Convention on the Right of the Child, 2002.

이 자료와 함께 구매한 자료

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한국입양법의 변천, Alteration of the Korean adoption law
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