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Chinese economy under Hu Jin Tao(후진타오 집권기의 중국경제)

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
3페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 1,500원 할인쿠폰받기


후진타오 집권기 중국 경제 발전에 대한 영문 리포트


1. introduction-economic background Deng Xiaoping
2. Chinese 5-year plan under Hu
3. economic cooperation between Korea and China
4. conclusion-prospects for chinese economy and China-Korea cooperation


Deng Xiao-Ping defined the socialism is not a poverty, slow improving productivity and income imbalance. He worried about the appearing propertied classes by introduction of a market economy system. But what he concerned about than the appearing propertied classes was that the productivity of socialist states does not permanently catch up with that of capitalist states. To solve his anxiety, he decided to open up Chinese economy. Opening is the essential element in order to get out of a limit of productivity. He insisted that basic tasks of socialism are pursuing labor efficiency, renovation of scientific techniques and expanding capital stocks in order to emphasize innovation of socialism and opening Chinese economy. He preceded economic growth-oriented policies. Hu Jin Tao thought that Deng Xiao-Ping’s idea is the most crucial object to present the development course of Chinese politics, economy and social affair. He, however, is trying to get out of economic growth-oriented policies of Deng Xiao-Ping’s era. He tries keeping proper level of economic development and emphasizes solving disproportionate income and reducing local differences.

In 1953, China government imitated economic developmental plan of Soviet Union, and made a 5-year mid-term economic development plan. 11th economic development plan is being enforced by Hu Jin Tao and Chinese government. They are emphasizing the role of market economy system in 11th plan.

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Chinese economy under Hu Jin Tao(후진타오 집권기의 중국경제)
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