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[영문리포트][과학] 껴안는 것이 체온을 지키는 것을 어떻게 도와주는가? (원제: How Does Huddling Help Keeping Temperature?)

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
2페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 1,000원 할인쿠폰받기


9학년 초반에 한 실험을 가지고 쓴 실험 리포트입니다. 단어는 약 1000정도 되구요, 표 삽입되어 있습니다.


Main Questions
Explanation of Experiment and table
Observation and result


-Main Question
How does hot thing lose heat?
How does huddling help keeping temperature?

-Explanation of experiment and table
This is an experiment for investigate ‘How does huddling help keeping temperature’. We did it with several ‘penguins’, which is actually the small bikers. With those penguins, we lined up them, huddled them, or somehow placed them together. And we poured the hot water in the penguins and observed how they lose their temperature as their position. We recorded the starting temperature, 1 minute’s, 2 minute’s, and every other minutes’ temperature. And we could get the results like the table above.
To explain the table, the first line in vertical shows us how many minutes had passed, and the top line in horizon shows us how many penguins had participated in that line’s experiment. And of course, the numbers in the table are the recording temperature of the water. About the pictures above the table, are the placements and positions of the penguins. Each round represents one penguin and those penguins who have black around them represent the penguins with a thermometer. And the penguins who have red around them also represent the penguins with a thermometer, but those are the penguins in the middle of the whole penguins. And the temperatures that recorded from the red one are also typed in red text. So, we would not get confused in the recording temperatures.

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판매자 유형Bronze개인


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[영문리포트][과학] 껴안는 것이 체온을 지키는 것을 어떻게 도와주는가? (원제: How Does Huddling Help Keeping Temperature?)
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