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Laertes-the Shadow of Hamlet

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연세대학교 영문과 대학원생이 학부시절 작성한 영어 레포트입니다.

셰익스피어의 "Hamlet"에서 Laertes와 Hamlet을 서로 mirror image로 보고 작성하였습니다.




The Murder of Gonzago, which is a ‘play within the play,’ plays an important role; Claudius gets astonished to see the murdering scene and finally reveals his “conscience” to Hamlet against his will. The reason of Claudius’ shock was nothing but the striking similarity between the play and the reality; namely, the Murder of Gonzago worked as a mirror of what Claudius had done to the king. Just like this ‘mirror of the main plot,’ there is a ‘mirror of the protagonist’ in Shakespeare’s Hamlet: the son of Polonius, Laertes.
In act 1, scene 2, when Laertes appears for the first time in the play, Claudius talks to Laertes before he sets about dealing with Hamlet which is obviously his more urgent matter. This somewhat absurd order of action is due to Claudius’ disinclination toward Hamlet. Yet, at the same time, this is Shakespeare’s skillful arrangement of dialogue which is to emphasize the importance of Laertes; Claudius says “Laertes” four times in the 9 lines from 42nd to 50th line of the scene, and this overabundance .

참고 자료

Shakespeare, William. Hamlet: Prince of Denmark. Ed. Philip Edwards. UK: University of Cambridge. 2006.

Stoppard, Tom. Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead. Grove Press. 1991.

Zeffirelli, Franco. Hamlet. Studio Canal. 1990.

Branagh, Kenneth. Hamlet. Castle Rock Entertainment. 1996.

Olivier, Laurence. Hamlet. Two Cities Films. 1948.
판매자 유형Bronze개인


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