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[영어작문][영어에세이] 디즈니 영화 뮬란과 백설공주를 통한 능동적 여성과 수동적 여성 비교

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
2페이지/한글파일 한컴오피스
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디즈니 애니메이션 뮬란과 백설공주를 통해
능동적 여성과 수동적 여성의 행복찾기에 대해 쓴 영어 에세이 입니다.




There are two women. The first one has white skin and beautiful appearance. She is wearing a colorful dress and shoes. She looks pure and weak. Then again, the other has dark skin and featureless face. She is wearing armor and riding a horse. Her hair is short, and she looks strong and independent. These two women are heroines of Disney animation movies Mulan and Snowwhite. Both are famous, but they are living totally different lives.
Mulan was born in a normal family as an only child. At that time, women had to meet a good guy and brighten their family. She had taken a marriage meeting many times like other women, but she had spoiled it every time because of her strong personality. She didn`t want to obey men. In a while, a war happened against the Huns, and she participated a war instead of her father because her father was too old to fight and did not use one of his legs. From this, Mulan met many obstacles, but those were her choices.
On the other hand, Snowwhite was born in a royal family as an only princess. She lost her mother when she was a little girl, so she got a new mother as a step-mother. The step mother was a mean woman who even hated a little girl. Above all, the step-mother ordered a hunter to kill Snowwhite because she envied her beauty. However, a hunter who felt pity and couldn`t kill Snowwhite and saved her life. She also met many obstacles, but she just followed choices by other people.

참고 자료

판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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[영어작문][영어에세이] 디즈니 영화 뮬란과 백설공주를 통한 능동적 여성과 수동적 여성 비교
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