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kreyszig 공업수학 9판 연습문제풀이 3장




CHAPTER 3 Higher Order Linear ODEs
This chapter is new. Its material is a rearranged and somewhat extended version of material
previously contained in some of the sections of Chap 2. The rearrangement is such that
the presentation parallels that in Chap. 2 for second-order ODEs, to facilitate comparisons.
Root Finding
For higher order ODEs you may need Newton’s method or some other method from
Sec. 19.2 (which is independent of other sections in numerics) in work on a calculator
or with your CAS (which may give you a root-finding method directly).
Linear Algebra
The typical student may have taken an elementary linear algebra course simultaneously
with a course on calculus and will know much more than is needed in Chaps. 2 and 3.
Thus Chaps. 7 and 8 need not be taken before Chap. 3.
In particular, although the Wronskian becomes useful in Chap. 3 (whereas for n  2
one hardly needs it), a very modest knowledge of determinants will suffice. (For n  2
and 3, determinants are treated in a reference section, Sec. 7.6.)

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