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영어에세이 English Essay on Nelson Mandela

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영어 에세이- 넬슨 만델라 대통령의 업적과 life story
Sources사용 (영문책, 기사)




Probably, pretty much everyone from all over the world had chances of hearing about Nelson Mandela in their lives. Nelson Mandela became the first president in Republic of South Africa as a black who had lived in a prison for twenty- seven years. It is important that Mandela became a formal president as a black who spent time in a prison for twenty-seven years; however, it doesn’t have enough evidence to make Mandela conspicuous. Mandela is called as “The Man of the Century” (Duckett par. 3). I have heard about Nelson Mandela, but I didn’t know what he has done for our society. I was getting curious about Nelson Mandela and wanted to know more about him, so I decided to learn more about him. The major issue is to find out the factors that made Mandela who became one of the most famous people in the world.
1918 is the year when the world’s biggest star had been born who made one nation to be peaceful. Nelson Mandela was born in a village near Umtata in the Transkei on the 18 July, 1918. He was the son of a Thembu chief, and he earned a law degree from the University of South Africa Mandela (Lodge 1). After getting his degree in Law, Mandela started fighting against racial discrimination and for human rights because Mandela’s major issues were about racial discrimination and human rights. Due to the unfair facts in South Africa sent Mandela to prison, so Mandela had to spend twenty-seven years in a prison. Mandela was married with his first wife before he was sent to a prison, and he spent his 20’s and 30’s in a prison. After being released from a prison, Mandela kept fighting for justice and finally he became one of the famous leaders in the nation. Mandela has been married three times in his life, and Graca is his third wife who is supporting Mandela recently (Meldrum pars. 20-22).

참고 자료

Cain, Joy Duckett. “Mandela: Man of Peace.” Black Issues Book Review 8.6
(Nov. 2006):16-18. Academic Search Premier. EBSCOhost 24 Feb. 2008. www.ebscohost.com.
Lodge, Tom. Mandela. Oxford: New York, 2006.

Meldrum, Andrew. “Mandela at Sunset.” Progressive Oct. 2007: 25+. Academic Search Premier. EBSCOhost. 24 Feb. 2008. www.ebscohost.com.
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