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중앙일보 사설 영작

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최종 저작일
4페이지/한글파일 한컴오피스
가격 1,500원 할인쿠폰받기


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Ministry of Health & Welfare reports 4 scheme of pension innovation to Committee for transition for President on Jan 7. It is gist of a report that makes special team which is consist of experts of each field and lead the 4 pension innovation lee dong k-wan, an spokesman of transition said in briefing. we agree that the present pension system is needed to mending in expansion of social safety net for advanced nation. But he cleary said it should not being a makeshift innovation to fulfil public pledge of the president-elect. Although detailed scheme is not determine , it worried about direction of new government`s pension innovation as seeing public pledge of president-elect Lee. Public pledge which president-elect proposed is compressed into two thing. He claims that basis old-age pension of present operates with national pension and It newly makes the basis pension then reinforce security for the aged. I consider that the reform plan of special pension which attacked by equity argument relatively is right. But I am opposed to the reform of national pension`s law that is based on founding of basis pension system because there is not effectiveness. Also it may lay the foundation of division of public opinion. If the reform bill is translated into action as pledge, the taxes of the people will go to the operation of basis pension system. It will be reach into astronomical figures.

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