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The power of Nokia

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
9페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 1,500원 할인쿠폰받기


노키아에 관련된 기업 경영 분석입니다.


■ The Purpose of Choosing Nokia
1. The present condition of Nokia
ⅰ. History of Nokia
ⅱ. The organization of Nokia
ⅲ. The present condition of Nokia

2. External factors of Nokia
ⅰ. Characteristic of Finland
ⅱ. Expand of market by European union
ⅲ. Mobile market

3. Internal factors of Nokia
ⅰ. Factor of Nokia’ business strategy
ⅱ. Strategic partnership

■ Conclusion


■ The Purpose of Choosing Nokia
The age of information communication is 21 century. Almost people in South Korea can enjoy searching Internet at home and have mobile phone. Already mobile phone is became the necessary product in our life.
As you know the importance of mobile phone is not only in Korea but also in the world. So the competition between mobile phone’s makers is becoming to extreme. However Nokia of Finland stands unchallenged in intense competitions.
Since 1998, the market share of Nokia in mobile phone is the first company. Even though Nokia is still the first company in mobile phone market, Motorola and Samsung is chasing after Nokia. But nobody is expecting that Nokia will not be 2nd or 3rd company.
What is the power of Nokia? What are the business strategies of Nokia? Why are any experts expecting the change of Nokia’s reputation?
In addition I want to know the different Nokia from Samsung about special feature, motive force and recognition of social because many people don’t think about Samsung is respectful company, otherwise Nokia is different from Samsung.

참고 자료

판매자 유형Bronze개인


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