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2006 Qantas Financial analysis and estimation

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
17페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 2,000원 할인쿠폰받기


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Section 1 Accounting for operations
1. Introduction of Quantas about financial stuation
2. Analysis of Quantas Group GST
3. Financial Item
4. Calculate and analysize inventory as assets

Section 2 - Accrual accounting
5. Accrual accounting (Cash)
6. What are prepayments
7. Adjustment of unearned revenue
8. Depreciation expense for 2006 and Method

Section 3 - Financial statement analysis
9. A vertical analysis of the Income Statement for 2006 and 2005
10. Analysis for Qantas Group for 2006 and 2005 through ratio
11. A report as a financial analysis
12. Shareholder information in the Qantas Group

Section 4 – Accounting principles and concepts
13. Current and non-Current assets in the Qantas Group
14. The accounting treatment of maintenance and overhaul costs
15. The amount of cash flows fluctuation
16. Estimates of Quantas finance


1. Briefly provide an overview of Qantas Group. Include a description of the main operating activities, location of operations and an indication of the size of the group (e.g., number of employees, sales revenue, number of stores, total assets, market capitalisation, etc).

1 .Business: The Company’s main business is the transportation of passengers. In addition to its flying operations, the Qantas Group operates a diverse portfolio of airline-related businesses. These include Qantas Engineering, Airport, catering, Qantas freight and Qantas holidays. Qantas airways limited owns 44.5 per cent of Orangestar Pte Limited, which owns and operates the value-based intra-Asia airlines Jetstar Asia and Valuair, based in Singapore. Qantas also holds a 46.3 per cent shareholding in Air Pacific and is a partner with Australia post in two jointly controlled entities---the domestic air freight operator Australian air Express and the national road freight business, Star Track Express.

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2006 Qantas Financial analysis and estimation
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