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[인문]`my favorite sports`라는 주제의 영작문

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
2페이지/한글파일 한컴오피스
가격 1,000원 할인쿠폰받기


my favorite sports라는 주제로
회화시간에 발표한 영작문입니다.




Hi, Nice to meet you!!
I`m hyun-jun choi. These days, My favorite sports is volleyball. Because I belong to B.N.U.E volleyball team A-quick. From now, I will introduce the volleyball easily. Volleyball is very very exciting game.
First, volleyball court is composed of rectangular floor that is seperated by net. Perhaps, you are curious about the height of net. In fact, the height of volleyball net is not taller than your think. The height is 2.43m to man, 2.24 to woman. Not so tall! Right?
The volleyball team has 6 or 9 members. And according to the number of member, the size of court is different. In common sense, the size of 9 member is wider than that of 6. Let`s talking about each member`s position.
First of all, the setter is commander of court. This position is very important. Because setter must know the stream of game and decide the type of attack. The type of attack is A-quick, B-quick, C-quick. This division is according to the distance between setter and attacker. When the distance is about zero, we say A-quick. Repeat follow me A-quick!! A-quick is quickest attack. The name of our volley team originate from here. The distance of B-quick is 1 to 2M, and C-quick is more than 3M. The longer distance is, the slower attack speed will be. And the finisher of these attack is Right, Left and Center. The last position is defender.

참고 자료



판매자 유형Bronze개인


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[인문]`my favorite sports`라는 주제의 영작문
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