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[인문어학]writing homework

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
2페이지/한글파일 한컴오피스
가격 1,000원 할인쿠폰받기


영어회화시간 과제물입니다.
3가지 질문과 답변이 있습니다.


1. In the new semester. How do you feel? choose there emotions that you have had since the semester started and elaborate on them.
2. Write about your best vacation (5WH)
2years ago when summer vacation. I went jeju island with my boyfriend, churhi`s older sister, and older brother. Two couples
3. Write about a bad day you have had. Use some of these word.


In the new semester, I felt much worry and expectation. Because I went to company which is new from February this year. So, I have a two job. first is student and second is ofiice worker.
I thought it is very difficult. but I can do it. Although sleep is lacking and tired. It whole day is worth and delightful.
Specially, English conversation first class in this semester I felt more delightful. Because I could meet professor Fadi that learned to junior student lecture also.
I changed hair style and I did on a diet half weight my body. so Fadi did not know initially me, but When call the name in class as soon as he did know me.
When hear English conversation class, I suffer from stress that does not understand speech infrequently, and can not speak to my ideas, but I felt that it is funny that other country speech can sound or speak in ear gradually studying. So, I be thinking of doing hard.

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[인문어학]writing homework
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