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A Korean-style house versus an apartment

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
2페이지/한글파일 한컴오피스
가격 1,000원 할인쿠폰받기


Compare and Contrast Essay - 한옥(A Korean-style house)과 아파트(An apartment)

보통 한 paragraph 마다 topic sentence를 뒷받침하는 Supporting Ideas가 2,3개 정도 됩니다.
topic sentence와 transitional sentence도 명확합니다.
외국인 교수님께 여러 번 첨삭 받은 거라 문법이나 내용 흐름 다 맞을 겁니다.
영어 프리젠테이션 수업이었는데 이거 하고 A+ 받았다는.. ^-^
여러분들도 이 레폿 보시고 A+ 받으세요~


Compare and Contrast Essay - 한옥(A Korean-style house)과 아파트(An apartment)

Introductory Paragraph

Supporting Paragraph (1) - a korean-style house (subject one)
Topic sentence : Criterion One - Convenience
Supporting Ideas and examples
transitional Sentence

Supporting Paragraph (2) - a korean-style house (subject one)
Topic sentence : Criterion Two - Cost
Supporting Ideas and examples
transitional Sentence

Supporting Paragraph (3) - an apartment (subject two)
Topic sentence : Criterion One - Convenience
Supporting Ideas and examples
transitional Sentence

Supporting Paragraph (4) - an apartment (subject two)
Topic sentence : Criterion Two - Cost
Supporting Ideas and examples
transitional Sentence

Concluding Paragraph-- A Korean-style house and an apartment(subject one and two)


Living in a Korean-style house is a little annoying. In a Korean-style house the bathroom and the kitchen are separated from the main house. Therefore if you want to cook something or go to the bathroom, you should go outside. Moreover there is usually no parking area, so you have to park your car on the street or in your house. In addition, the resident may have to go far away from home to buy something because the stores are quite a long way from the house. Although Korean-style houses are not convenient, they are very economical.
Korean-style houses are not expensive. They have `On-dol`, which is the Korean underfloor heating system. It is good for heating small spaces economically. When you get a fire going in the fireplace in the kitchen the rooms are soon warmed up.

참고 자료



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A Korean-style house versus an apartment
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