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[영어에세이]The greatest ordeal of my life

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최종 저작일
3페이지/한글파일 한컴오피스
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인생에서 제일 힘들었던 일에 관한 영어 에세이입니다.
좋은 점수 받았고, 교수님이 첨삭해주신 부분까지
다시 고쳐서 올립니다. 도움 되시길 바래요^^




Looking back upon the past, at that time I probably needed some feelings like I`m not alone. The atmosphere around me was so tough and made me frustrated so easily. Hence mother`s saying was a kind of indulgence to me, I think. That meant even if I fail the test, I won`t be blamed for that, also meant I wasn`t independent from my parents mentally. It seemed as if I study for just being seen, not for myself, my future, my dream. I couldn`t realize how important my own decision and responsibility are. Besides, stupidly, I believed that it will last for good.

As sure as I know that I`ve changed a lot since I entered this university, it took spring of 2005 to teach why. In fact, before then, I had thought of me as an adult, not a child any more, As I studied hard, and tried not to miss scholarships. With entering a university, I began to change myself as a sort of perfectionist so I believe that I became independent from my parent at least mentally. However, It was nothing but a mistake. Spring in 2005, the time was the hardest of my life. Actually, although there is no specific reason, I did suffer from almost everything. There were too many questions related to my life to handle with. What is life? Why do I study? What for? What should I do for my future? How can I find my own way? I was completely confused and frightened.

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판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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[영어에세이]The greatest ordeal of my life
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