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[데이터통신]DataCommunication and Networking (forouzan)

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최종 저작일
2페이지/한글파일 한컴오피스
가격 2,000원 할인쿠폰받기


DataCommunication and Networking (forouzan)
chapter 3.
review questions


1. describe the three characterisitic of a sine wave
2. what is the spectrum of a signal?
3. contrast an analog signal with a digital signal
4. a signal has been received that only has values of -1,0 and 1. Is this an analog or a digital signal?
5. what is the relationship between period and frequency??
6. what are the units of period and frequency?
7. what does the amplitude of a signal measure?
8. what does the frequency of a signal measure?
9. what does the phase of a signal measure?
10. which type of plot shows the amplitude of a signal at a given time?
11. how can a composite signal be decomposed into its individual frequencies?
12. what is bit interval, and what is its counterpart in an analog signal?
13. what is bit rate, and what is its counterpart in an analog signal?
14. name three types of transmission impairment
15. what does a decibel measure?


1. describe the three characterisitic of a sine wave
- frequency(주파수), amplitude(진폭), phase(위상)

2. what is the spectrum of a signal?
- 신호의 주파수 영역의 모든 성분을 상용하여 표현하는 것을 그 신호의 주파수 스펙스럼이라 한다.

3. contrast an analog signal with a digital signal
- analog : 전체 시간동안 부드럽게 변화하는 연속적이 파형이다.
- digital : 이산적이며 1, 0과 같이 제한된 수의 정의된 값만을 가진다.

4. a signal has been received that only has values of -1,0 and 1. Is this an analog or a digital signal?
- digital signal

5. what is the relationship between period and frequency??
frequency - 1초 동안 생성되는 신호 주기의 수를 말한다.
period - 신호가 한 사이클을 완성하는 데 필요한 시간의 양을 말한다.
frequency와 period는 서로 역수 다.

6. what are the units of period and frequency?
period의 단위는 s
frequency의 단위는 hertz(Hz)

7. what does the amplitude of a signal measure?
주기적인 신호의 파형에서 그 신호의 최댓값과 최솟값의 차이 신호의 크기를 나타내는 값
신호의 어떤 지점에서의 값을 측정한다.

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