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[영작문]Introduce myself, Why am I learning English

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최종 저작일
2페이지/한글파일 한컴오피스
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영어로 쓴 자기소개서 이며, 영어를 배우는 이유에 대해서 써 놨습니다...




Hi nice to meet you. My name is Kyu Hyoung Kim. First, will introduce about myself and my family.
My family are father, mother, I, and younger sister like this four family. I`m 20 years old. and I`m live in Suwon. I go to Kyunggi university. My major U&T(Urban&Transportation). I don`t know well about my major now. but I will study hard with interest.
My hobbies are listening music and reading books. When I tired or feels gloomy, if listen to music even-minded and really good to drain stress. and if read a book I can experience indirectly that do not experience, and is thought much that I did not think or didn`t know meantime and is really good.
My favorite singer is BoA. She was too young to be a singer but she always do her best. so she is best of Asia. and all of her songs are best.
I like to meet people so I always have many, special friend. when High school I met various friends through student`s association union activity. Now through the university club activity I met a special and funny friend. playing the guitar in band, dancing in hiphop club, singing like singer, shooting like Beckham, driving like driver and so on.
My father and mother are primary school teacher. Mother does not go out almost on dark night without seeing well small writing being blind person, but good at cooking and diligent.
Father is very handsome and very talented in several fields, there are a lot of popularity in anywhere. Father played the drum in band when he was University and play well the fork guitar so when teach students he play the guitar and amuse students if students are tired or doze.

참고 자료

판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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[영작문]Introduce myself, Why am I learning English
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